NMG 1 – Clase 4: Glándulas salivales, suprarrenales, el tálamo, hipotálamo y la hipófisis
En esta clase profundizaremos sobre las Glándulas Salivales, El Tálamo, el Hipotálamo, la hipófisis (Glándulas Pituitaria) y las glándulas suprarrenales o adrenales (corteza adrenal y medula adrenal).
Aquí entenderemos el origen de los tumores de la boca, también del gigantismo, del síndrome de cushing y muchos otros programas biólogicos.
Recordá ir tomando apuntes en tu manual en cada clase.
Below, you will find the English translation of some images from the video.
Text from minute 18
The adrenal cortex is a special lymph node and originates from the New Mesoderm.
DHS: “To have been diverted from my path” or “To have gone off course” or “To be going in the wrong direction”.
During the active phase: Necrosis of the adrenal cortex will occur, along with a feeling of profound fatigue and stress, due to the drop in chorisol secretion.
This forces the organism to stop moving in the wrong direction. It is commonly called “Addison’s disease”.
During the repair phase: An adrenal cyst is formed as a product of the repair of the necrosis that occurred during the active phase.
After a short period of time, the cyst consolidates, hardens and produces a surplus of cortisol (aldosterone).
Despite being in vagotonia, the organism has symptoms of active phase, thanks to the cooperation of the pituitary gland, the level of cortisol in the organism increases, which allows the organism to get back on track.
Hirsutism and Cushing’s Syndrome are usually diagnosed here.
The biological sense occurs during the repair phase to increase cortisol levels.
Text from minute 19
The adrenal medulla
The adrenal medulla is of endodermal origin and forms part of the adrenal or suprarenal gland
What is the adrenal medulla?
The inner part of the adrenal gland (a small organ located above each kidney). The adrenal medulla produces chemicals such as epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) that are involved in the transmission of nerve impulses.
DHS of the adrenal medulla: “To be living an unbearable stressful situation”.
Biological sense occurs during the conflict active phase to improve performance in a particular stressful situation.
In active phase a tumor secreting noradrenaline, dopamine and adrenaline appears. Commonly called “pheochromocytoma” or “adrenal paranglioma”.
In the repair phase, the tumor will be decomposed by the action of TB bacteria and a possible aplopecia may occur, temporarily stopping the functioning of the adrenal medulla.
Text from minute 20
Action of adrenaline vs noradrenaline
*Increased force and frequency of cardiac contraction.
*Dilation of coronary vessels
*General vasodilatation
*Increased cardiac output
*Increased glycogenolysis
*Increased force and frequency of cardiac contraction.
*Contraction of coronary vessels
*General vasocontraction
*Decrease in cardiac output
*Increased glycogenolysis (to a lesser extent)