The Fraud of Biodecoding and Bioneuroemotions

The path of knowledge and the dismantling of the Pasteurian indoctrination that surrounds us is often a winding road.
Initially, when we realize that orthodox medicine is primarily motivated by selling us drugs and interventions, the journey away from “official” medicine leads us through various labyrinths.
Even we, from this space, believed a few years ago that there was wisdom in biodecoding. Like many, intuition told us that feelings and our experiences were one of the main factors in health. How far we still were from understanding the natural science that is New Medicine!
Because we are aware of the harm it causes, the confusion it generates, and the fanaticism of many in defending it, we would like to share a testimony and the words of the MaterialdeNMG team, who helped us (and continue to help us!) navigate through the misinformation, or, as we sometimes call it, the “coffee with milk” – lies mixed with truth.
In reality, the purpose of the following text is to share a series of information that will attempt to explain, only in general terms, a reality that, fortunately, has already opened the eyes of many but is rapidly destroying what represents true independent science.
Having said that, we emphasize that nothing here is personal. Instead, we are only obligated to point out a fraud that affects both professionals and patients, although most of them are likely unaware of this fact.
Unfortunately, we see how, more and more, the vast majority of people interested in the discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer end up believing that German New Medicine (GNM) and Biodecoding (now known as Bioneuroemoción or BNE) are the same. Or, at the very least, that the latter is based on GNM. Or, even worse, believing that BNE “goes beyond” Hamer himself.
We can assert, demonstrate, and explain that such claims are categorically false.
BNE (which is practically the same as Biodecoding) has absolutely nothing to do with GNM. And it’s not just that BNE is not based on the biological laws of GNM (although its promoters may present it that way), but these two approaches easily invalidate each other. They are entirely incompatible. What some might see in BNE as similar to GNM is actually a serious distortion of what Dr. Hamer discovered (or rather, a tiny part of what Dr. Hamer discovered).
Difference between Biological Laws and Theories
GNM is a NATURAL SCIENCE based on BIOLOGICAL LAWS that apply to all living organisms and their evolution. When we specify and emphasize that these laws encompass all living organisms, we want to make it clear that it includes not only humans but also all animals and plants, and even all microorganisms.

On the other hand, Biodecoding represents nothing more than a collection of THEORIES (pseudoscience) from the HUMAN sciences (modern psychology), mixed with severely distorted fragments of GNM (possibly no more than 1% of Hamer’s work). Biodecoding attempts to explain and predict behavioral and mental events in humans, excluding all other living beings on the planet. In other words, it only considers the new brain, separating what cannot be separated (a typical aspect of ‘new age’ theories), as we also have an old brain that cannot be ignored.
EMOTIONAL Conflict vs. BIOLOGICAL Conflict (or shock)
When Biodecoding, or Bioneuroemoción, discusses the emotional causes of supposed ‘illnesses,’ it falls into a serious misinterpretation of the facts. Dr. Hamer has already discovered that there is something preceding emotions, which he calls BIOLOGICAL SHOCKS or BIOLOGICAL CONFLICTS. These have nothing to do with emotional conflicts, which are the byproduct (the consequence, not the cause) of these biological conflicts (DHS). Thus, these therapies based on false and outdated theories are only interested in the consequences and not the true causes.
For example, one of the ‘tools’ used in Biodecoding is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It involves the study of subjective experience (how we perceive the world through our senses, how we organize the world as we perceive it, and how we review and filter the outside world through our senses), the relationship between the spirit, language, emotions, and behavioral models. By analogy with a computer, NLP uses universal patterns of communication and perception, forgetting that each human being is unique and does not fit into any mechanistic classification. NLP is an analytical, reductionist model, typical of the old mechanistic paradigm.
The promoters and practitioners of BNE have absolutely nothing to do with Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer, despite claiming that their theories are based on the work compiled in GNM. This is entirely false. What is done in BNE is a form of psychotherapy disguised as a ‘new paradigm’ (it is not really new, it just appears that way), symbolic, archetypal, poetic, and whimsical. For more information, we publicly denounce that the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne is another pure scam. We recommend reading Marc Britan’s work, “Il n’y a pas de secret” (There is no secret) or Анти-Тайна, Enquête (Survey) sur Le Secret, by Natacha Condo-Dinucci, among others. These readings are very eloquent in contrasting these theories that appear to be very advanced, while new, serious, and independent discoveries, without any hidden agenda, have already invalidated them.
Sometimes we hear that Biodecoding is an easy way to ‘digest’ GNM. Our strongly contrasted opinion is that it is NOT a way to spread GNM (an exact natural science) but a very dangerous way to deceive people and cause human losses through a pseudoscience that has the slogan “we do not oppose conventional treatments, but complement them” (when the biological laws of GNM completely invalidate the dogmas on which those old medicine protocols are based). What? Did we hear correctly? This is entirely irresponsible and, evidently, full of marketing. Unacceptable.
It is clear that those who follow the trends of Biodecoding, Total Biology, Family Constellations, Emobiology, Psychobiology, Syntegrity, etc., do not like this type of information we provide. But… Dr. Hamer’s research is there for everyone to draw their own conclusions.
In Biodecoding, they study and work with only one level: the human psyche (separated from all other living beings on the planet). They lack years of study (new biology, new anatomy, new microbiology, all specialties, etc.). It is superficial training that, when faced with serious cases, many of its students admit (not openly) that they are overwhelmed by the ignorance they confront: “there came a day when I said to myself, I’m closing my practice… I don’t know what to do with most cases. I have no kind of preparation… I don’t even know what a tumor is. I only have a piece of paper that says I’m a specialist in…”.
Dr. Hamer’s research is extremely serious and rigorous, and therefore demands responsibility and years of effort from those who study it. Without naming anyone, we can say that one of the leading proponents of Decoding rejected Hamer because he did not like the high demands of rigor: “it’s an attitude of intransigence!” – said the poor student… confusing intransigence with scientific rigor.
After this introduction, let’s take a more detailed and tangible look at what is happening in reality.

With the new brain…
People consult them during the healing phase (PCL phase). What are their successes? None, it’s the work of nature! Without consulting anyone, they would have healed because they were already in the healing phase (see the Second Biological Law and its phases). Incomplete, incorrect, or outdated information can cause irreparable harm. Let integrity, rigor, and responsibility be distinguishing attitudes…
The ‘success’ of Biodecoding lies in patients who are already in the Resolution Phase, meaning they do NOT “have the possibility to resolve it” (they have already resolved – they are already in the solution-repair phase). On one hand, they read outdated and incorrect concepts from the old paradigm (for example, those proposed by Biodecoding, even though it doesn’t seem like it) that have nothing to do with their biological programs. On the other hand, even though they are already in the healing phase, if the patient is in the active conflict phase and on tracks, they will not avoid future consequences: an increase in the problem, chronicity, pending conflict, complications, aggravations, hospitalizations, biological fatigue, and even death… we’ve seen many cases like this, often too late. In consultations, they tell us: “I already know what the cause is (they found it in a Biodecoding dictionary! or with a therapist, sometimes several! they spent a lot of money for nothing)”; and, it turns out that, every time, what they say has nothing to do with reality, their biological conflict (here we must write their conflicts! because there is no person with only one biological program), and with that false information, they can never find a concrete solution, “heal,” or identify their Achilles’ heel to work consciously on the case.
With the old brain…
With the archaic brain, intellectualizations, psychology, etc., do not work, and the real success rate is zero. It is an illusion that needs to be demystified. In reality, if the patient reversed their problem, it’s because they made a change (a concrete solution), sometimes radical, in their life, or it is a pending cure, that is, until the person or animal encounters one of their tracks. We have verified this in all biological programs in hundreds of cases. We have seen dramatic cases, sometimes too late, with patients who trusted therapists claiming to be inspired by or knowledgeable about Hamer’s work. In new psychiatry (Hamerian psychiatry), tracks also play a fundamental role.
Note: In GNM, if there are relapses, it is essential to find the ‘track’ = all the circumstances that accompanied the DHS; it can be a specific smell, a color, a sound, a word, a person, a place, an object, a food, an animal, or any other sensory stimulus that the brain perceives at the moment of the conflict shock. The brain records these stimuli or tracks associated with the initial biological conflict. Then, every time that track is encountered, the brain automatically reactivates the original conflict. These ‘tracks,’ also called ‘clues’ (sensory) or ‘paths,’ also explain the mechanism of ‘allergies’ and ‘chronic diseases.’ (See Tracks:)
Many people talk about progress, and very few researchers reflect on the relevance (it is evident) of going back in time, considering the discovery of five biological laws in the field of natural sciences. Getting out of old patterns is essential. What allows us to know if we are on the right path or not is very simple: does the therapy apply to all living beings and not just humans? The archaic brain, and therefore the survival activities (breathing, eating, reproducing) or instinctual-unconscious behaviors of the individual, are impervious to intellectualization, psychology, and symbolism or other discursive and abstract forms. Among the researchers of the psyche, Henri Laborit must be considered a precursor to Hamer. The scientist’s observations of rat behavior and their replication in humans in “The Inhibition of Action” (1979) are verified in GNM; with the archaic brain, we need concrete solutions. We talk about concrete, verifiable, and reproducible evidence. There are no dogmas here, only rigorous scientific truth, irrefutable, and above all, verifiable in all living beings.
Applying emotions to animals, plants, or minerals has no scientific validity (objectivity) because it derives from an old anthropomorphic view (popular culture, myths, and beliefs), from 100% subjective personification (projection) that does not correspond to the reality of other living beings, their perceptions, instinctive reactions, mechanisms of survival, or, in the scientific field (experimental activities), from an incorrect (subjective) interpretation of observations.
Psychologists justify their existence and their incomplete (a single level of the constantly synchronized triad psyche-brain-organ) and outdated training in the new paradigm by using the word ’emotion’ (emotional conflict). In GNM, we talk primarily about biological conflict (see the First Biological Law). An instinctive, non-rational reaction of preservation (vital needs) to an unexpected, dramatic, extremely intense shock or event, lived in solitude, does not compare to a human emotion.
Regarding this view, which is now very widespread, unfortunately, but is completely contrary to Dr. Hamer’s rigorous research, and therefore is incorrect from the moment it is claimed to be linked to GNM, we would like to make a comment. We hope it serves to illustrate the error we often fall into when talking to others about GNM. From our MateriadeNMG group, we believe in the correct dissemination of GNM, one that allows knowledge to be built step by step… distorted and uncontrolled mass dissemination probably destroys and forces us, in the long run, to unlearn…
We refer to the confusion regarding the definition of Biological Shock (or biological conflict shock), unfortunately replaced by many with Emotional Conflict. Many conferences, talks, comments, etc., speak of the “Emotional Origin of Diseases,” “Healing from emotions,” “Mischanneled energies, our body somatizes them,” “A detached person is free from conflicts”… etc. Well, everyone is free to talk about this… but we cannot accept that these old beliefs are linked to the new paradigm implied by the biological laws.
With Dr. Hamer’s discoveries, and starting from the First Biological Law, we already know that a DHS (biological conflict shock) is the trigger to develop an SBS, meaning a Special Biological Program with Full Biological Sense (supposed illness).
The first criterion of this law states that a DHS is a BIological conflict shock, unexpected, dramatic, extremely intense, and experienced in solitude; this phenomenon develops simultaneously on three levels: PSYCHE, BRAIN, and ORGAN.
They are called BIOLOGICAL shocks because they are events that place us in a state of action inhibition, where the LIVING BEING is unable to satisfy basic biological needs, and thus, an emergency program is activated.
Psychosomatic theories (theories that relate the psychic or mental component and the organic or somatic component of the person at the same time) are therefore obsolete. There was never before such an exact correlation between these two levels as the one presented by Dr. Hamer, and much less was it known what was happening at the cerebral level (as a third level).
In an interview, just in response to the first question, Dr. Hamer responds:
But then something terrible happened: while sleeping on a boat, my son Dirk was shot, without reason, by a madman, an Italian prince. This was, for me, a terrible, sudden, and unexpected shock, and I felt UNABLE TO REACT. Everyday events or conflicts generally do not catch us in this way ‘unawares.’ In general, we have the opportunity to prevent the normal conflicts we face daily, but those conflicts for which we cannot prepare and that cause us this feeling of helplessness, this inability to react, essentially create a panic shock. We call these conflicts BIOLOGICAL CONFLICTS.
In other words, EMOTIONS (as well as stress) are byproducts or reflections (that may or may NOT occur) within the different phases of the SBS. EMOTIONS (as well as stress and other symptoms) are CONSEQUENCES and not the cause.
And lastly, we must NOT FORGET that it’s the same for ALL living beings (humans, animals, and plants alike!). We must dismiss any perspective that isn’t equally applicable to ALL LIVING BEINGS.
Dr. Hamer also speaks about this in his Testament:
“If someone were to say now that many already thought that cancer had some connection with stress, sadness, or conflicts, that has nothing to do with the 5 biological laws of the New Medicine. In modern medicine, it is maintained, as one learns from the books, that it takes 10 to 20 years for cancer to manifest. On the other hand, a completely different definition of ‘conflict’ was and still is held.
A judge from Sigmaringen, on 17-12-86, asked a professor of psychology from the University of Tübingen what he understood, for example, by a sexual conflict, which Dr. Hamer called a biological conflict. Answer: ‘A narcissistic disease.’ My counter-response was: ‘Then would you say that my dog also has a narcissistic disease when, due to a sexual conflict analogous to one in humans, she has a Hamer Focis in the left periinsular area with cervical cancer?“
Lastly, I would add that, on the one hand, the word ‘conflict’ itself no longer has the meaning it had up to now (which is why it is preferable to call it a ‘shock,’ the correct translation from German), and it should not be confused with elaborated or psychological conflicts. On the other hand, those who did not understand GNM from its very foundation (for example, Biodecoding, Total Biology, Family Constellations, Emobiology, Psychobiology, Syntegrity, etc.) have confused the first Biological Law and replaced the Biological aspect with the Emotional one, with the lamentable consequences that this has (among other things, possibly the least serious of the matter, confusing those who are interested in this natural science).

Biodecoding (Total Biology and other avenues) is a dangerous deviation from GNM and can have serious consequences, so we could never recommend it. This is not something new. For example, if a psychologist helps their patient solve (success for the therapist and the client) a territorial loss and then their ex-client has a fatal heart attack during the repair phase (failure), it’s not their problem, understand? These are biological conflicts and programs of nature. We cannot separate the three levels of psyche-brain-organ. Emotions do not apply to animals and plants. There are no emotions during the DHS! Yes, they come afterward, not always, for example, in constellations governed by the cerebellum, there is no emotion at all (psychopaths, for example). With the old brain (animal brain), forget about emotions, we are still in the realm of survival and the most basic and vital needs; the patient needs a concrete action-solution. We won’t sit down and intellectualize (the old brain is insensitive to psychology): while there is a fire in your house (analogy), we will die if we don’t leave the house!
They do not realize, working at only one level, the repercussions when they help their patient solve their conflict: there is also a brain impact (Hamer Focis) and the program in the corresponding organ (vital tissues). They also do not realize that the patient who consults them for something they already know (diagnosis) may have other silent (asymptomatic) problems that deserve to be resolved first, such as the CCR Syndrome (abandonment, collapse of existence, or refugee syndrome, which affects the collecting ducts of the kidneys). They cannot take into account what they are ignorant of. Also, many DHSs are resolved shortly after their appearance, in minutes. There are no emotions in that. In many chronic diseases, there are no emotions, but there is a rail. The biological conflict is something (situation, event, news…) unexpected, not a thwarted emotion.
In our experience, unlearning is very difficult. Students who attended seminars on Total Biology, Biodecoding, and Bioneuroemoción, etc., before those on GNM, are often very confused.
We hope this text helps many open their eyes.
And let no one feel attacked and offended.
Warm regards to all. Thanks for reading this article.
Testimony of Alicia Roubicek
I took a Biodecoding course in Buenos Aires in 2017 (where I first heard about GNM and Dr. Hamer) and the complete Bioneuroemoción course at the Corbera Institute in 2020 (which I did to learn about GNM). As they say things without a foundation, I began to search and came across Lolou Bedard and Francois Leduc, and later with Gastón and Awaking. From my experience: Biodecoding and Bioneuroemoción are fallacious knowledge without scientific basis to claim that “if my right shoulder hurts, it’s because of a conflict with my father or husband because my entire right side represents ‘masculine energy’…” Also, in Bioneuroemoción, after a year focused on Awaking, I realized that they deepened my aggressive constellation.
In both Biodec and Bioneuroem, I didn’t see anything like what I see with Awaking or what I saw with Loulou Bedard. It was all a mixture of New Age and A Course in Miracles (which I don’t criticize), but I am a direct witness of having believed something because someone supposedly knowledgeable said it, and now I VERIFY everything I apply when studying GNM AND IT WORKS.
I do not recommend visiting the Corbera website or enrolling in “Biodecoding Courses.” It’s garbage. They distort everything with a series of tempting offers of “high knowledge and experience.” It’s my opinion based on direct experience.
I am still very angry for having spent money and time on people and courses that I end up thinking are scams.
But I went down that path for a reason. Now I continue with the Awaking Course, doubting and researching on my own. I do trust Gastón and the team, but I pass what I learn to my body and my experience. I don’t stick to pretty theories like the ones shown in Bioneuroemoción or Biodecoding. They are based on nothing. They use a lot of psychoanalysis and “theories” that require a PhD in Freud and Jung to refute or verify.
Since I started with Awaking, everything I try to refute or verify is easily observable. Something that didn’t happen to me in Bioneuroemoción. I ended up with severe depression.
In Biodecoding and BNE, they recommended Emotional Dictionaries!! 🙈🙈🙈
An example in both “Bio” is that “if your right knee hurts, your right side is your masculine side, so you have a conflict with someone masculine, and because it’s your knee, it’s because you resolved a conflict with that person in which you ‘didn’t want to kneel to their comments.'”
Another situation that happened to me while studying Bioneuroemoción at Corbera: the tutor of our virtual course. When I told her that I had had a traffic accident in the capital of Buenos Aires where two buses had boxed me in and collided, she told me that I had suffered a strong impact when I was in my mother’s womb and that the buses symbolized “what people will say,” the “collective mind.” That’s it. With that, I was supposed to reflect and… shoot myself!!! 😂🙈 Because how do you verify it? How do you investigate to refute or verify it, and then can it be replicated in other experiences? Furthermore, they were imposing a way of analyzing in which, if you couldn’t find the answer, they automatically told you that you had “resistance to knowing.”
Wow. Now I understand why all of this deepened my neurosis. I took the course in 2020. So I was going through life feeling like I “resisted knowing” (as had happened to me when I did several years of psychoanalysis, gestalt, and other things) and being cautious of “the collectives”!!