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NMG 1 – Clase 8: Conflictos Auditivos

Oído medio, oído interno, canal acústico, tapón de cera, hipoacusia y tinnitus.

Below, you will find the English translation of some subtitles from the video.

Minute 12
With a large conflict mass, pressure (accumulation of pus or fluid) behind the tympanum could cause it to perforate. The tympanum heals on its own. With many relapses, it leads to destruction of the acoustic nerve.

Minute 18
Presbycusis or hearing loss is due to two concomitant biological programs, one endodermal and the other ectodermal.

Minute 25
The cerumen or wax layer protects the ear by trapping and preventing dust and other external agents from penetrating and causing damage to the ear.