The explanation of the flu according to German New Medicine

Biological programs explained according to GNM

  • Influenza
  • Sinusitis
  • Rhinitis
  • Nasal mucosa
  • Bronchitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Fever
  • Pharyngitis
  • Tonsillitis and adenoid inflammation
  • Otitis
  • Perforated eardrum
  • Deafness
  • Renal insufficiency
  • Tuberculosis

We are all accustomed to the biological programs of the body and used to expect psychosomatic responses in our organism.

Everyone knows that there is a direct relationship between what a person suffers and what they somatize (biological response to a specific situation).

Biological programs that we all know

  • If we run a marathon and fatigue our body, specifically our feet, no one doubts that when we reach the finish line, our feet will swell and become inflamed.
  • We all know that if we sleep poorly or don’t sleep for a few days, we may notice the appearance of dark circles under our eyes. In fact, when we see someone with dark circles, we ask, “What’s wrong? Why are you not able to rest?”
  • Before or after an exam, it’s possible to have diarrhea. In university slang, some call it “Caprex: Exam Pre-diarrhea.” We are accustomed to knowing that this diarrhea comes from a very dramatic situation, even though we may not know the specific cause.
  • After going to the gym and exhausting a muscle, no one will be alarmed if the trained muscle becomes inflamed and painful. We are used to experiencing the connection between exercise, muscle fatigue, and the pain that follows fatigue, but we are happy about it because it indicates that the muscle is repairing, regenerating, and growing. We know and understand the link between fatigue and pain in this case.
  • For anyone who plays the guitar, calluses will form on their fingers to prevent the strings from hurting. In fact, people will say, “Practice until calluses form.”

We are accustomed to living through dramatic situations and thinking, or sometimes even saying, “This situation is going to kill me…”

We know that the dramatic situations we experience hurt us, but we don’t really believe it 100% true. There is something inside us that constantly expresses itself with the utmost truth, but we turn a deaf ear or believe it’s an exaggerated expression of our psyche when it’s actually the pure truth. This is because we have the false idea that inflammation is the product of a contagion or a harmful pathogen coming from the outside, when in reality, it is always a sensible and biological process of nature.

Explanation of influenza according to GNM

For GNM, influenza corresponds to a set of biological programs (symptoms and signs) in the healing phase. Where an event perceived as dramatic can trigger several biological conflicts and, therefore, multiple biological programs. For example, conflicts like “this stinks” or “threat in their territory,” “feeling blocked,” “food conflict,” “indigestible anger,” etc.

Let’s delve a bit deeper into this…

It’s important to know that an event perceived as dramatic, unexpected, and experienced in solitude can trigger multiple biological conflicts and, consequently, multiple biological programs. Each biological program has its own “rhythm,” processes, and unique characteristics (a set of symptoms and signs).

Explanation of sinusitis according to GNM

  • Sinusitis or rhinitis is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. Mucosal inflammation of the nasal passages may also occur.
  • In GNM, we know that for nasal mucosal inflammation (of ectodermal origin, controlled by the sensory cortex), there must be a resolution to a sensory conflict. This is the initial repair phase of a biological conflict of “not being able to smell a threat in their territory” or “this stinks” or “this situation smells bad.”
  • The conflict can be due to “This situation smells bad” or “I’m smelling a threat in my territory.”
  • Once the conflict is resolved, spontaneous nosebleeds can occur.
  • If there is bleeding along with mucus, we are talking about a repair process.
  • In cases of sinus cysts appearing during the repair phase, they can largely disappear, but not completely. Scar tissue forms as part of the repair process.
  • In some cases, fever may occur if the conflict lasts a long time or the drama was significant and the Collecting Tubules of the Kidney (TCR) syndrome appears. This would be an additional conflict related to the olfactory conflict mentioned earlier. Here we are talking about a collapse of existence, uprooting, and abandonment, where the kidneys retain fluids, edema worsens, and the situation becomes more painful. Fever can occur because the TCR is involved, and as an endodermal organ in the repair phase, fever can manifest.
  • Once the repair program is completed without relapses in the conflict, the nasal mucosa becomes less inflamed, and the tissue is repaired. During the active phase and with a clear biological purpose, the nasal mucosa develops an ulcer to avoid smelling the situation that smells bad, thus destroying the olfactory nerves of the nasal mucosa and preventing it from detecting the situation.

The Origin of Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis involves the nasal mucosa, which is of ectodermal origin. According to our ancient survival programs, the sense of smell is essentially associated with a biological conflict of not being able to anticipate the presence of a danger occurring at a fairly close distance in the territory.

Therefore, the biological conflict that causes allergic rhinitis can be expressed as “smelling danger,” “I can no longer smell it,” or “this situation smells bad.”

Dr. Hamer speaks of a “stinky shock,” meaning that any situation that, from an olfactory point of view, represents a literal or figurative threat, can trigger a Significant Biological Special Program (SBS) that affects the nasal mucosa.

During the active phase, painless ulcers form in the nasal mucosa. These ulcers are often accompanied by crust formation and a sensation of dryness in the nose. Allergic rhinitis occurs during the pcl-A phase and is often accompanied by itching. CE (Conflict Epileptoid) often manifests as many sneezes. During the pcl-B phase, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis gradually improve. Allergic rhinitis involves periodic exposure to one or more shock tracks associated with the initial DHS.

Involvement of the Bronchi According to GNM

  • During the active phase of a threat in the territory for right-handed men in hormonal balance and for left-handed men in a state of hormonal imbalance, or a fear in the territory for left-handed women in hormonal balance and right-handed women in hormonal imbalance, the affected organ will be the bronchus.
  • The biological program involves an active ulcer in the bronchial mucosa of ectodermal origin and, during the repair phase, the corresponding edema to repair the ulcer generated during the active phase. In this process, you may observe green mucus, which is the excess from bronchial repair.
  • It’s important not to confuse cough with phlegm with pertussis (also known as whooping cough or pertussis).
  • Whooping cough of the larynx is due to a biological conflict of great fear in the territory for right-handed women in a state of hormonal balance and for left-handed women in a state of hormonal imbalance. This corresponds to a laryngeal biological program.
  • Here bronchitis appear (which can be due to the resolution of a conflict or multiple repair edemas due to relapse over an extended period), inflammation of the airways, and an irritating cough that helps remove accumulated mucus.
  • During the repair phase of the bronchus it will become edematous and inflamed and then scar.
  • In some cases, with a large conflict and many relapses, a cyst may appear (which is a repair tumor). This tissue should remain, as it is part of the repair process. However, if it disappears, it indicates that the person is back in the active phase, as this signals a new ulceration process.
  • Concomitant with the biological programs of the bronchi (active phase ulcer to widen the bronchus and better recognize or sniff out the opponent), caliciform cells, during the active phase, will secrete clear mucus present in epithelial linings or a liquid to hydrate the bronchus and relieve inflammation. The biological goal of this program is to better recognize the opponent by having ulcers in the bronchial mucosa that allow more “breaths of air” to enter.
  • The clear mucus secreted by the germinal endodermal caliciform cells is for preventing suffocation and facilitating the removal of repair mucus from the bronchi, alleviating dryness and inflammation of the bronchial mucosa and, consequently, the fear of suffocation.

Recommendations in these cases

  • Thyme can help soothe coughs and facilitate the expulsion of excess mucus. It can be used in steam inhalations with chamomile or as tea.
  • Ginger (Zingiber officinale) can help alleviate headaches and muscle pain.
  • If you have a headache or develop a fever, you can put your head under cold water until the swelling and pain subside. To reduce headache pain caused by repair edema, it is recommended to consume coffee.
  • We recommend steam inhalations with thyme and chamomile using a towel over the head to loosen mucus, making it easier to cough up.

Explanation of Tuberculosis According to GNM

We add to these two programs of bronchial mucosa and nasal mucosa…

  • The biological program that is activated with the “fear of death” in the pulmonary alveoli, we have an active phase of alveolar reproduction (a lung tumor that allows the absorption of more oxygen to escape the predator). In the repair phase, there will be a new edema, inflammation, and fever.
  • Here will be present the work of our faithful ally the Tuberculosis bacteria, (only in those who have it, in case of not having it because they have been vaccinated or take antibiotics, the tumor will remain in place, totally harmless.
  • In case of having the bacteria present, the tumor will decompose thanks to the action of caseification, which will decompose the tumor, if and only if the conflict has been definitely resolved) these bacteria work in the repair of the pulmonary alveoli, a tissue of endodermal origin controlled by the brain stem. The conflict is resolved only if the person manages to lose the fear of death.
  • If the phlegm is coffee-red in color, it may correspond to the pulmonary alveoli and bronchi.

Explanation of Renal Insufficiency According to GNM

  • On the other hand, if the person is collapsed, feels isolated, for example, when they are in a hospital (which is not their territory and is far from it) or if they are taken away from their place, from their territory, and they get scared, collapse, and feel uprooted, they will activate a biological program at the level of the kidney’s collecting tubules, with the subsequent complication of retaining fluids, which is called renal failure. When, in reality, it is a biological program in the active phase, and all that is needed is for the person to regain their sense of belonging to resolve it and eliminate retained fluids. The reality is that when a person is diagnosed with renal insufficiency, if they eliminate some fluid, it’s only the waste, as they retain the rest until they can regain their sense of belonging to their territory.
  • Remember that fluid is not only retained in the kidneys but also in all areas where there is edema in the body. If there are edemas in the alveoli, caliciform cells, or in the nose, nasal mucosa, the fluid will double or triple, and thus the pain, because it accumulates where there are edemas.

It’s important to note that if a person experiences wheezing when exhaling, it indicates that the bronchi are involved in a biological program. Hence the threat/scares conflict in the territory.

On the other hand, if there are inhalation problems, it relates to the laryngeal musculature, not the bronchi. In other words, if you wheeze when inhaling, it means that the laryngeal program is active.

When we talk about the mucosa of the larynx, an ulcer forms during the active phase. Subsequently, with the appearance of the edema in the resolution phase and the diagnosis of laryngitis.

And the peculiarity of the bronchi and larynx is that they often affect the musculature of the bronchi and larynx, respectively. When there is a big scare, the musculature is paralyzed. Right-handed men and left-handed women paralyze the bronchi in a state of hormonal balance, while left-handed men and right-handed women paralyze the larynx in a state of hormonal imbalance (with the same conflict, a major threat/fear within their territory).

In cases of a severe scare, where the bronchial musculature is paralyzed, a respirator might be necessary.

Likewise, if the laryngeal musculature is paralyzed due to a major scare, a feeding tube may be necessary because the person won’t be able to swallow a bite.

Explanation of Pharyngitis According to GNM

It’s important not to confuse the nasal mucosa of ectodermal germinal origin with the mucosa of the pharynx of endodermal germinal origin.

You should note that the mucosa of the pharynx, during the active phase of a “food” conflict (difficulty swallowing a real or symbolic “bite” on the right side of the throat or trying to get rid of it on the left side), will experience cellular growth. During the repair phase, with the help of Streptococcus bacteria, the tissue generated in excess will become edematous, caseify, and then decompose, generating the famous “pus” in the throat, which will be eliminated during the repair phase if the conflict is resolved without relapses.

Clarification regarding the “swallowing a bite” conflict: the word “swallow” can also mean integrating, admitting, incorporating, etc. For example, “Having to endure, or swallow or tolerate a situation that I don’t like and that bothers me,” in this case, could be “I have to swallow insults, and I don’t want to” or “I can’t swallow an unfulfilled promise.”

Some useful recipes in case the pharyngeal mucosa is inflamed (in addition to resolving the conflict definitively) can include:

  • Gargling with warm saltwater several times a day, without swallowing the liquid.
  • Grind fresh ginger root in a cup of hot water, add honey and lemon, gargle with this solution before swallowing it.
  • Eucalyptus: infusion, one or two leaves per cup, three times a day. Vaporize by boiling a handful of leaves in a liter of water and inhale the vapors, covering your head with a towel.

Also, note that as an endodermal organ, during the repair phase, there will be fever along with the bacteria created by the brain for organic repair.

The tonsils and adenoids are of endodermal origin, so the same biological programs as those of the pharynx must be considered. It’s also important to know that for those who no longer have tonsils due to surgery, repairs (swallowing conflict) still occur, although not optimally.

Tonsils are “rounded masses of lymphoid tissue located in the throat or pharynx and have a defensive function (modulating microbial work), especially in the early years of a person’s life (more archaic reactions). They protect the entry of microbial bacteria into the respiratory and digestive tract (we know from the fourth law that we don’t need to protect ourselves from allies).”

In the case of sustained fever that doesn’t subside, it’s essential to suspect the presence of TCR (Tubules Collectors of the Kidney) Syndrome. In this case, it is imperative to root the person, calm them down, and help them overcome their fear.

Some tips for relieving fever:

  • Apply cold compresses or place the head under a cold shower to reduce cerebral
  • edema. You can administer a natural antipyretic (fever reducer). Some examples include a decoction of willow bark (Salix spp.) or tincture of elderberry berries. Usnic acid is a natural antibiotic extracted from lichens, particularly Usnea barbata varieties. We do not recommend synthetic antibiotics as it goes against the Fourth Biological Law. If Usnea Barbata is not available, you can use Turmeric mother tincture.

It’s also important to consider that we’ve been misled by Pasteur’s false theories, and one of the fundamental pillars of official medical thought is Pasteur’s senseless theory of monomorphism. He plagiarized and distorted the discoveries of Antoine Béchamp (pleomorphism). Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) proposed two opposite explanations of disease. The Fourth Law corresponds exactly to Béchamp’s view (bacteria are there to rebuild sick tissues, to recycle waste, and they never attack healthy tissues), and later, Jules Tissot, Ethel Douglas Hume.

We provide a link for those who want more information on this topic, by clicking here.

Before concluding this article on mucous membranes, we cannot ignore a very common symptom in children and adults…

Explanation of otitis according to GNM

In this case, the mucosa of the middle ear is involved, which is of endodermal origin and controlled by the brainstem.

During the active phase of a conflict involving this organ, there will be cell proliferation. During the repair phase (once the conflict is resolved), there will be corresponding edema and inflammation that can cause pain in the ear, along with the possibility of fever.

The biological conflict that affects the middle ear is the “auditory morsel conflict.” When the right ear is affected, it’s due to “not being able to catch or receive the auditory morsel.” The biological sense is to create an absorptive-type tumor to better absorb the auditory morsel, thereby increasing auditory capacity.

When the left middle ear is affected, the conflict is due to “not being able to get rid of an auditory morsel.” In this case, the biological sense is to create a secretory-type tumor to enhance the blockage of the auditory morsel, leading to a decrease in hearing.

During the active phase, we’ll find tumor growth in the mucosa of the middle ear, behind the eardrum (a thin membrane that acts as a boundary between the external auditory canal and the middle ear). During the repair phase (once the conflict is resolved), inflammation will appear along with pus due to the necrotizing caseification activity of bacteria, which break down the tumors.

With a significant conflict mass (time multiplied by the intensity of the conflict), the pressure (accumulation of pus or fluid) behind the eardrum can lead to perforation. The eardrum heals on its own. In the case of a chronic condition, it’s due to relapses or lingering sensory memories or multiple biological conflicts, which can lead to damage to the auditory nerve.

It’s important to note that any medication applied during the repair phase will invalidate the repair process and generate a relapse. If you want to help unclog the ear, know that tympanostomy tubes (ear tubes) do not invalidate the repair phase.

For those more involved in GNM, it’s important to know that the middle ear and the Eustachian tube originate from the germ layer of the endoderm, while the inner ear originates from the germ layer of the ectoderm.

When we talk about an auditory biological conflict (not related to a morsel) of the inner ear (of ectodermal origin), we always refer to an intolerable sound. This is a real conflict. With several relapses, it can lead to the destruction of the auditory nerve and permanent deafness.

Two more observations:

  • On one hand, when a solid earwax plug appears, it can be due to a mechanism of sound obstruction or protection. It’s one possibility among thousands.
  • However, also consider that in our society, the phone can easily be a conflict-related trigger for the unpleasant auditory morsel conflict. Therefore, every time the phone rings, it can trigger a relapse.

Recommendations for otitis:

  • Application of Verbascum Thapsus or mullein oil (medicinal plant).

How and why to use “mullein”

Mullein has important emollient (thanks to its mucilages), balsamic, expectorant, antitussive, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, and digestive properties.

It can be used to relieve inflammation of:

  • Tonsillitis
  • Pharyngitis
  • Bronchitis
  • Asthma
  • Diarrhea and digestive irritations (in enemas)
  • Dermatosis
  • Boils
  • Hemorrhoids (sitz baths, poultices, and medicinal oil)
  • Otitis

Dosage and Usage Instructions:

  1. Infusion of the flowers: Use 1 or 2 tablespoons per cup, 3 times a day before meals. You should strain it several times or pass it through a paper filter since its stamens can be somewhat irritating.
  2. Infusion for irrigation, poultices, etc. use 2 grams per liter.
  3. External use: Make a concentrated decoction using 80 to 100 grams per liter, and let it boil for 10 minutes. Apply it in the form of enemas for diarrhea and as washes and compresses for dermatological conditions.
  4. Leaf poultices: Use them for dermatitis, boils, and burns.
  5. Mullein Medicinal Oil: Place 60 grams of flowers in a wide-necked bottle. Add extra virgin cold-pressed olive oil to cover the flowers and exceed them by 2 cm. Close the bottle and shake it vigorously, then leave it exposed to the sun for 2 weeks, shaking it once or twice a day during this maceration period. This oil is very useful for earaches, simple suppuration, as an antipruritic (itch relief), and as an antiseptic. Apply it at room temperature. To enhance its properties, you can repeat the process 3 times using fresh flowers each time and the oil from the previous maceration. This way, you’ll obtain an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic oil.

Remember that this is a brief explanation, provided to introduce the GNM perspective to the general public and prevent misinformation. For a more in-depth understanding of GNM, comprehensive training is available on our website.



Thank you for reading this article.

Gaston and Sony.

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