The 5 Biological Laws Explained Like Never Before
On this occasion, we will share a fragment from the book : The Great Confusion
This law explains where diseases come from.
First, we need to understand that when we say ‘LAW,’ we are referring to something that will always be true and applicable in every circumstance. It’s not a hypothesis or a theory but a natural law that holds true 100% of the time and can be verified by anyone who wishes to do so.
Within this first law, there are three criteria.
The first criterion establishes that:
Every cancer or cancer-equivalent disease is caused by a DHS (Dirk Hamer Shock), which means a highly dramatic conflict-related shock experienced in solitude, simultaneously affecting all three levels (psyche-brain-organ).

The second criterion establishes that:
The content of the conflict determines, at the moment of the DHS, both the location of Hamer’s focis in the brain and the location of the cancer or cancer-equivalent disease in the organ.
As we have already seen, Marc Frechet was a great collaborator of Dr. Hamer. He helped him delve into conflict shocks (DHS) and provide a more precise definition of the first law of biology.
What they discovered is that the first biological shock (DHS) does not generate organic damage; it’s more like an alarm that leaves the person in a kind of ‘hypnotic state,’ and the concentric target can be seen perfectly in the active phase in the brain CT scan without contrast.
During the ‘DHS alarm,’ there is no cell destruction, but rather neuronal stimulation. The Hamer Focis of the first DHS, which does not produce SBS, can be distinguished, but it cannot be distinguished from the subsequent ones that do produce SBS.

The first shock produces a change in the brain; the spheres or concentric rings seen in the brain CT scan without contrast are the neurons affected by the DHS, but initially, it does not produce changes in the organ. It’s an alarm, and the brain is in a state of alertness for the survival of the living being.
Dr. Hamer later stated that during the ‘DHS alarm,’ the brain selects the ‘Rails’ (which are the pathways leading back to the conflict), clues, tracks, or sensory memories associated with the conflict event. This includes things like noises, smells, aromas, fragrances, colors, sounds, foods, people, places, etc.—anything that can be perceived by the five senses.
When it comes into contact with the same conflict or with a Rail associated with a conflict experienced some time ago, we have the ‘trigger’ that will activate the biological program.”

From there, the 5 laws of biology begin to be fulfilled.
So, only the second DHS will be the trigger of the SBS (Special Biological Sensation).
Therefore, we are talking about a gradual process.
To understand this concept, let’s provide an example:
A right-handed girl experiences her first sexual rejection or conflict when her little friend doesn’t want to be her boyfriend. At that moment, a ‘warning’ is activated at the cerebral level, affecting the cerebral relay for the cervix and vagina (and coronary veins), located in the middle of the left temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex.
Some years later, after her first sexual conflict, she experiences the same situation with her first boyfriend, what we call the same ‘coloration’ of conflict when he breaks up with her because she doesn’t want to have sexual relations yet. In this case, this ‘sexual’ conflict will be the trigger for the biological program at the level of the cervix, which will be activated with a full biological sense.
During the active phase, we will find the biological sense, which will produce an ulcerative widening of the cervix, completely asymptomatic, along with the possible appearance of anovulation and infertility in proportion to the conflict mass (duration by intensity of the conflict), which is often diagnosed as amenorrhea and frigidity.
In right-handed adolescent girls, this biological shock generates a delayed onset of menstruation. And during the healing phase, there will be cervical cancer, inflammation with swelling of the exocervix, where pain and bleeding can occur. If detected during the first phase of repair (PCL-A, i.e., post-conflictolysis-A), it is often diagnosed as cervical cancer or exocervical cancer.
Once the biological program is complete, ovulation and libido return.
As you can see, dear reader, the Germanic Medicine of Dr. Hamer is not just the 5 laws of biology, but a profound science developed by Dr. Hamer that applies to all areas of life.

The 5 biological laws are just the tip of the iceberg of this science.
Another example could be that of a teenager whose father loses his job, and from that moment on, he had to go out and ‘earn a living’ to be able to eat. This would be the ‘Alarm’ conflict since unexpectedly, he experiences a conflict of ‘lack of something vital,’ in this case, food. This alarm conflict affects the relay that controls the liver, which is located in the brainstem. It remains in an alarm state because it’s the first time it has happened.

After a few years, he manages to secure a stable job, settles down, gets married, and has two children. Naturally, like any parent, the issue that occupies his thoughts the most is obtaining food for his family every month. Suddenly, in an unexpected manner, he learns that his company is going to close, and he won’t be able to keep his job or his salary, which implies that he won’t be able to buy food for his children.
This situation is experienced in the context of a biological shock since it is dramatic, unexpected, and lived in solitude without an immediate solution, which now “triggers” a biological program at the liver level, resulting in cell proliferation or a liver tumor (flat adenocarcinoma or cauliflower-shaped as needed, as they serve different functions) during the active phase. The purpose is to increase the liver’s volume to enhance the absorption of vital elements like food or money, whether real or symbolic, and to provide additional energy substances. This is why the full biological sense in the liver is found in the active phase.
In the event that a secretory tumor in the form of cauliflower appears, it will secrete bile since the tumor is always composed of liver cells and a stroma, which is a supporting tissue that surrounds the tumor.
In other words, the tumor represents a biological improvement.
This biological program is widely used in nature. For example, when a deer is separated from its herd, while this young deer does not return to its herd, it will develop a liver tumor to better assimilate any vegetation it finds along the way and avoid starving until it resolves its conflict and rejoins the herd.
If discovered during the active phase, it is diagnosed as liver cancer.
Continuing with the example, this family man who was devastated by his inability to feed his family, on the brink of depleting his savings, after two months of tireless searching, manages to find a new job that pays better than the previous one.
This immediately resolves his “lack of something vital” conflict, which was affecting his liver. Two days after resolving his conflict, he begins to experience severe liver pains, the result of an ongoing repair phase.
During the repair phase, the liver tumor that proliferated during the active phase will break down, leading to the subsequent formation of cavities in the liver, thanks to the action of tuberculous bacteria.
This will be accompanied by severe liver pain and intense inflammations (proportional to the conflict mass) known as hepatic cirrhosis, either hypertrophic or atrophic. In case the bacteria are not available (due to the effects of antibiotics or vaccines), the tumor encapsulates itself and remains harmless within the liver.
If the conflict mass is very large, jaundice may occur (jaundice is when a person appears yellow), as a result of mechanical compression of the main bile duct.
As you can see, dear reader, in all cases, it is essential to identify the alarm and trigger of the biological program through rigorous research.
This law explains how a disease progresses.
It is the law of the biphasic nature of diseases that have a solution to the biological conflict. In other words, every disease or biologically sensible system in nature (SBS) has two phases.
An active phase and a repair phase, as long as the conflict has been resolved or conflictolysis (CL) has occurred, indicating that the conflict’s solution has been applied. It’s not enough to just know the solution; the conflict must be resolved.

The conflict can be resolved through physical action or through an understanding of what happened, avoiding continuing in a conflicted state.
A patient (the one who endures) who has not resolved their conflict will find themselves in the first phase, the active conflict phase. If they manage to resolve it, they automatically enter the second phase, the organic repair phase. It’s important to know that a biological shock immediately disrupts the normal day-night rhythm and initiates the active phase of the conflict.
The shock triggers the onset of a Special and Significant Biological Program, which allows the organism (psyche, brain, and organ) to increase daily functioning and focis entirely on resolving the unexpected situation.
In some cases, it may be preferable not to resolve the conflict but to reduce its intensity to a reasonable level before facing the second phase, which can be quite challenging in some cases.
This law explains how diseases behave.
It is the ontogenetic system of tumors and analogous diseases. Ontogenetic means that all diseases in medicine come from the evolutionary history of the human being.
The third law of biology explains how organs created by the 4 germ layers behave during the active phase and during the resolution phase if the conflict has been resolved.
Organs created by the Old Brain (Endoderm and Old Mesoderm) undergo cell reproduction or proliferation during the active phase (growth of a flat or compact tumor with full biological significance). During the repair phase, the tumor created during the active phase (as a biological improvement) is no longer needed and is broken down and eliminated from the body by the bacteria designated by the brain.
Organs created by the New Brain (New Mesoderm and Ectoderm) experience necrosis, paralysis, or ulcers respectively during the active phase of the biological program, with full significance. During the repair phase, the lesions are filled thanks to bacterial work.

The standard theory of metastasis suggests that “cancer cells” from a primary tumor travel through the bloodstream or lymphatic system to other parts of the body where they produce “cancerous” growth in the new site.
According to the Five Biological Laws, secondary and tertiary cancers are not the result of cancer cells migrating but rather from a second or third biological shock, often triggered by a shock at the time of diagnosis or prognosis, putting the individual in a state of total panic, causing a new conflict or, even more, multiple new conflicts, leading to additional cancers.
Dear reader, you’re probably wondering by now, how did Dr. Hamer make such a discovery?
This question was asked to Dr. Hamer in 1992 in Cologne, Germany, and Dr. Hamer replied:
“I discovered the ontogenetic system of cancers and onco-equivalent diseases (paralysis) after observing approximately 10,000 cases. I worked in an absolutely empirical way, as any good scientist should. I documented all the cases I collected along with CT brain scans as well as histological evidence. It was only when I had gathered all this information and compared the results that I discovered that there was an underlying system. It was impressive, particularly because we had never thought that such a thing was possible.
There were many patients with compact tumors that showed cell growth in the active conflict phase (or sympathetic phase), but in other cases, they grew during the repair phase (or vagotonic phase) after the conflict had been resolved (conflictolysis). It simply couldn’t be the same disease. Therefore, there were two forms of cell growth:
- One in the active conflict phase
- The other during the repair phase.
“Those diseases that show a reduction or decrease in cellular activity (holes, necrosis, or ulcers, also known as abscesses) during the active conflict phase experience cellular growth during the repair phase. I compared these different discoveries and always perceived the presence of this system. Tumors that exhibited cellular growth during the active conflict phase always had their relays in the brainstem and the cerebellum. These two parts of the brain together are referred to as the “paleoencephalon” or the old brain.“
So, all cancerous diseases that manifest cellular growth during the active conflict phase have their relay in the old brain, from where they are directed. And all the so-called tumors, which are symptoms of exuberant repair and show cellular growth during the repair phase, have their relays in the new brain (white matter and cerebral cortex).
This systematic connection was discovered in 1987 and was termed the “ontogenetic system of tumors and cancer-equivalent diseases.” With the Iron Law of Cancer and the law that every disease occurs in two phases, the first systematic classification of Germanic Medicine had been established.
“Ontogenesis” refers to the origin and development of the individual living being. “Ontogenetic” means related to the development of the individual being. Therefore, the ontogenetic system of tumors means that neither the location of Hamer’s Focis in the brain nor the type of tumor or necrosis that subsequently develops occurs randomly, as everything is logically predetermined in the historical evolution of the human being.
At this point, it is crucial to forget the labels that conventional medicine assigns to diseases because they only distance us from what is truly happening in the body. This is why it is essential to pay attention only to the actual symptoms and not to the ideas of doctors about diseases.
Because if we understand the symptoms through the psyche-brain-organ triangle, we can position ourselves on Hamer’s compass, know whether we are in the active phase or the repair phase, understand the type of biological conflict that triggered the disease, determine if it’s resolved, and if not, take action to resolve it.
Conventional medicine attempts to combat the symptom, which only generates fear in the person receiving the diagnosis and is akin to harming one’s life. In Germanic Medicine, we aim to discover which biological program is active, in which phase it is, investigate whether the conflict is resolved, eliminate associated sensory memories so that the person can go through the repair phase peacefully and complete the biological program, then return to normalcy.
As you can see, dear reader, if we focus on the diagnosis or labels assigned by doctors, we cannot do much. If we focus on the facts, on what is real, on the symptoms, we can investigate what is truly happening and take action accordingly.
For over 50 years, Jiddu Krishnamurti repeated: ‘The image is not the thing.’
The clearest example of how a medical diagnosis or label distances us from the possibility of taking action is that of Down syndrome. Conventional medicine today calls it “trisomy 21 syndrome” and blames “chromosome 21” for being responsible for this condition.
Previously, it was called “Down syndrome or Mongoloid syndrome,” and even earlier, it was referred to as “circular saw syndrome.” It was known that if pregnant women were exposed to loud noises, it could lead to disabilities in children.
So, the cause was well-known. Of course, with this knowledge, much more effective protection could be provided for both the embryo and the mother. Obviously, this was not the goal.
For what other reason would the name related to the cause (“circular saw syndrome”) be changed to a name related to the organic symptom (“Mongoloid” or “Down syndrome”)? Could it be so that any genuine protective measures for the mother and child are impossible from the outset? Therefore, our knowledge of the cause has been stolen from us. Any knowledge that allows us to assume personal responsibility and, therefore, our freedom, is deliberately stolen from us.
Dear reader, doesn’t this seem very suspicious to you?
The old diagnosis of “Circular Saw Syndrome” gave us a much broader view of what could have caused this condition. Dr. Hamer presents the case of Anita, a girl born with Down syndrome, whose parents did not accept the medical sentence and continued to search relentlessly for a solution to her problem. That’s when they learned about Dr. Hamer and went to see him.
At that moment, Dr. Hamer was honest with them and told them that even though he knew the disease very well, he had never investigated it according to the laws of biology. But if they wished, he could perform a contrast-free brain tomography on Anita to look for Hamer foci and thus develop a strategy to help her.
To the surprise of Dr. Hamer and Anita’s parents, when investigating the tomography scans, Dr. Hamer found two active Hamer foci, one in each auditory relay. This is how he realized that Anita had experienced auditory conflicts that were still active.
Without a doubt, if we had known the old label “Circular Saw Syndrome,” we wouldn’t have been surprised, and from the beginning, we would have looked for the noise that was present, and then developed a strategy to identify and eliminate the noise.
In Anita’s case, that’s exactly what happened. Anita’s father worked at home with a circular saw cutting metal pipes to refurbish organs in churches in Germany. That intense noise had been present throughout Ana’s pregnancy.
Dr. Hamer not only offers us the opportunity to avoid situations like Anita’s by understanding the body and its biological programs, but he also discovers that Down syndrome actually originates from loud noises during intrauterine life (screaming, explosions, fights, speakers, circular saws, grinders, jackhammers, amplifiers, gunshots, ultrasound, etc.). He also discovers that it can be reversed 100% and demonstrates this with Anita’s case.
Today, we know that if an expectant mother is exposed to loud noises, the child can perceive this as a double auditory conflict (two DHS) and enter into various constellations (sets of biological conflicts that do not cause organic injury but do result in a change in behavior, such as autism, paranoia, mythomania, etc.).
As in any constellation, this is accompanied by a halt in emotional maturity and the organic symptoms of Down syndrome. Often, women don’t even know they are pregnant yet. Imagine, dear reader, a woman working at the airport with hearing protection due to the noise of the turbines or a woman working in a sawmill while pregnant, as we have seen several times over the years.
Imagine the loud noises the mother experiences in these cases and how you would perceive them, in the same way or even worse, a child in the womb perceives them, as amniotic fluid transmits sound waves much more directly to the child’s entire body since water (part of the amniotic fluid) always amplifies the waves to which it is exposed. The embryo also hears an ultrasound examination as if someone were firing a machine gun right next to the bench on which they are sitting.
Can you imagine how this could be problematic for an embryo?
In the past, people knew the cause…
Today’s focus in Pasteurian medicine is only on the “chromosome 21,” multiple medications, and “treatments,” which only serve to make a business out of the disease and divert attention from the real cause, continue to assign blame, and take away the possibility of avoiding something that in some cases would be entirely avoidable. Naturally, if a transformer unexpectedly explodes in the street while I’m out for a walk, it’s an event I couldn’t have prevented.
That’s why biological shocks can’t be avoided, but they can be resolved. However, here we are talking about avoiding situations that we could indeed avoid, in the same way we avoid putting our hands in the fire to avoid getting burned.
What would be a strategy to apply in this case according to Dr. Hamer’s discoveries with the laws of biology?
Naturally, attention will be focused on the cause, i.e., the auditory biological conflict. In this case, resolving the conflict is not really possible since the affected person has experienced this conflict no later than six months before birth and has stopped right there in their emotional maturity development. One can and should avoid the Rails or sensory memories, in this case, the “noises.”
The triggering DHS was caused by noises. So, if I now say quite simply that the affected person is “allergic” to noise, suddenly everyone would understand what needs to be done. There would be no doubts or questions.
What to do with allergies?
Without a doubt, you have to avoid them, at least until you can make the “Rail” conscious and retrain your brain with that sensory memory so that it no longer affects you. Initially, what we have to do to recover is to avoid the “Rails” and the conflicts that triggered the biological program, for example, pollen, milk, cat hair, or simply noise, which were present during the biological shock experienced by the person.

Furthermore, anyone who has dealt with children with Down syndrome knows that these kids, in response to any noise, cover their ears tightly to avoid hearing them. With a little attention, they could undoubtedly confirm the assertion of “noise allergy.”
It is also important to note that nature does not psychologize. Nature operates biologically. Psychology does not function in nature, nor does it work with biological programs or diseases. Therefore, what we must first learn is to think biologically, to understand biological programs.
For example, you cannot become pregnant by psychologizing. As soon as the biological conditions (terrain) are met, it happens. Psychologizing has little influence on our body’s “Special Biological and Sensible Programs” (SBS), which we also call diseases. No one can change a lifelong thought overnight.
This requires time, practice, and a solid education in German New Medicine.
If you want to learn German New Medicine with a solid and comprehensive training, just click “HERE.”
What we can do is stop funding a warlike medical system that only makes us sick, which we finance only because we are totally confused. Paying for health insurance is investing in illness, assuming that one day I will get a deadly disease that I won’t be able to afford the doctor to “cure” me. I hope, dear reader, that by this point, you have no doubts about what is beneficial and what is not.
“…and they stopped consuming, and the system collapsed…” (Masterful quote from the globally censored movie “La belle Verte” or “The Green Beautiful,” released in 1996).

The two images are of Anita, the photo on the left is when she had Down syndrome (auditory DHS), and the photo on the right shows Anita without Mongoloid features. Both are from a case presented by Dr. Hamer.
There are three months between the two photos of young Ana. Today, Ana can live a completely normal, independent life, with no traces of that previous diagnosis.
Here, Dr. Hamer presents a case of complete remission of Down syndrome. Now, dear reader, you can get an idea of how the label given by classical medicine only complicates things, confuses us, and generates more conflicts in people, as if living with conflict weren’t enough.
This is not the only label with which they deceive us, but all of them!
The same deception occurred with the case of “Poliomyelitis.” Supposedly, for all of us in 1988, thanks to an “effort to vaccinate the population,” polio has been eradicated. If we investigate the physical symptoms of polio, we will find the same symptoms for which they now diagnose multiple sclerosis. These symptoms include muscle pain, numbness, paralysis, muscle atrophy, muscle weakness, headache, chronic fatigue, among others.
The same symptoms for both diseases!
They simply changed the name to not lose their business with the old vaccine. As “good entrepreneurs,” they created new million-dollar drugs and treatments for multiple sclerosis.
In Germanic medicine, the diagnosis of “sclerosis” or “polio” does not deceive us. Here, we always look for real symptoms. There are no two “disease processes” that are the same; there may be similar symptoms, but never the same, as each person has their own conflicts. We can always observe at least three biological conflicts that repeat in these cases.
First, a “paralyzing shock” (Ectoderm, cerebral cortex, motor function of a muscle involved in the context of the shock, and inhibition of movement). Second, a biological conflict of “deep devaluation” (New Mesoderm, White Substance, responsible for bone and muscle nutrition). And third, a biological conflict of “existential collapse” (Endoderm, brainstem, kidney collecting tubules).
In addition to the confusion of Down syndrome and multiple sclerosis, we could mention countless diseases in which they have deceived us, such as autism, Asperger’s syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, lupus, all types of cancer, the flu with all its variants, etc.
Dear reader, until now, no one had taught us to investigate the cause of symptoms, but quite the opposite, to blame insects and animals for diseases, such as “avian flu,” mosquitoes for “dengue,” the triatomine insect for “Chagas disease,” the coronavirus, the hantavirus, HIV with monkeys, our family for supposed hereditary diseases, our body for supposed autoimmune diseases, or some kind of virus.
This is why we could never have realized the deception to which we were subject without the help of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. The lie is so big that we would never have questioned the “experts.”
Dear reader, we could continue listing all the scams of classical medicine for several days, but these examples are simply for us to understand together the importance of Dr. Hamer’s discoveries for our society.
This law explains the role of microbes in disease.
It is what we call the ontogenetic system of microbes. It explains how microbes will work during the SBS, clarifying that microbes have always been our faithful allies and have never attacked our biology.
They always perform organic repair work.
Microbes do not cause diseases, but our body uses them, following the brain’s instructions, to optimize the repair phase if they are available. At the moment of conflict resolution, they receive a signal from the brain to start working on the task assigned to them, causing inflammation as a precursor to repair.
This law explains the biological significance of each disease, that is, “the why” of the disease.
Completely ruling out the possibility that these are the result of contagion, hereditary, genetic, or autoimmune diseases.
It is the law of understanding that the “so-called” diseases correspond to a biological sense specially programmed by nature, what we know as quintessence. Each pair of diseases, as described, is a “special program of nature with meaning” (SBS), developed over the course of evolution to allow organisms to move out of their ordinary functioning to deal with particular emergency situations.
When asked about the fifth biological law in 1992, Dr. Hamer said that the fifth biological law is truly the quintessence of the four preceding biological laws. This quintessence not only contains the previous strictly scientific laws but also opens a new dimension. It is somewhat the soul of Germanic Medicine. Furthermore, in one leap, this “Fifth Natural Law” allows us to connect scientific facts with what we used to think was something transcendent, supernatural, parapsychological, or something that only religion could explain—something we felt and experienced but did not fit within the framework of the scientific model. This law allows us to perceive an understandable connection to the universe that surrounds us and of which we are a part. Essentially, each disease must be understood as a biological program of nature, stemming from evolution and with a defined purpose. In other words, each disease manifests a specific program that resolves an exceptional and unforeseen biological conflict. It is a new way of seeing disease as a meaningful biological program of nature interpreted through species’ evolution.
We can now, for the first time, see and understand not only that there is a natural order but also that each individual process in nature has a special meaning with respect to everything that exists.
These five laws of nature are reflected in what we know as the Hamer Compass.

I hope this article motivates the reader to embark on the exciting journey of studying the science of life, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer’s GERMANIC NEW MEDICINE.
Thank you for reading this article.
Gaston Vargas