What does the training in German New Medicine consist of?
Our training consists of a total of 11 levels, where detailed information about German New Medicine and the five biological laws is explained, using relevant knowledge of anatomy, embryology, physiology, histology, and true biology. In each of the levels, as indicated by their titles, different themes and fundamental concepts are developed.
It begins by learning what biological conflicts are, Hamer’s compass, embryonic layers, the role of microorganisms, types of DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome), and even the history of German New Medicine, among others. The goal is for the student to redefine their previous concept of diseases and understand them as biological programs with a meaningful and sensible nature. Once the fundamental foundations are acquired, the student can then understand each of the biological programs. Organs and tissues originating from the four germinal layers are covered: endoderm, old mesoderm, new mesoderm, and ectoderm. The complexity of biological programs will increase as the student progresses.
Each class will first include a detailed explanation of the anatomical function of the involved organ or tissue. Only then, when its purpose and role in the human body are understood, the topic of DHS is explored, always related to survival, protection, movement, or relationships according to the germinal layer it corresponds to. Next, the symptoms of the active phase, the healing phase, and possible vicious circles are addressed. The most common diagnoses are mentioned, along with some recommendations and even case studies or examples for the student to relate this knowledge to their own everyday experience.
Once the journey through the biological programs is completed, the student will deepen their understanding. They will learn which plants can help modulate certain symptoms in the active or healing phase, and how to conduct a consultation or anamnesis. They will then study the notions of territory, hormonal balance, and the implications of ectodermal SBS (Special Biological Sensation). In the following levels, they will delve even further into more frequent or common diseases, such as constipation or the flu. Finally, they will become acquainted with brain constellations, that is, the psychic manifestations that certain biological programs have, and how they can be triggered by the impact of two or more conflicts in the brain.
The courses are entirely digital and are presented in the form of online videos. This allows students to watch the classes at their convenience and as many times as necessary to assimilate the knowledge at their own pace. Each level consists of 10 to 20 classes, depending on the topics covered, with an average duration of 15 to 60 minutes per class. There is also a section for asking questions and resolving any doubts that may arise. At the end of the course, a multiple-choice exam is conducted to assess your learning. If you don’t pass, there’s no problem; you can retake the exam and proceed to the next level. Remember that German New Medicine is complex, so take your time to digest, absorb, and incorporate the information.
Below is the breakdown of each level with the duration of the classes and the topics covered.
Level 0: The New Biological Paradigm
Class 1
Duration: 15 minutes
- Introduction to German New Medicine.
- Natural adaptations as a step to Biological Programs.
- Hamer’s predecessors (Henri Laborit and Antoine Bechamp).
- Explanation of how the course will be conducted and its potential.
Class 2
Duration: 15 minutes
- History of German New Medicine.
- The 5 Biological Laws.
- Action Inhibition.
Class 3
Duration: 27 minutes
- Hamer’s Compass.
- Overview of the Active Phase and PCL (Post Conflict Phase).
- Conflict Mass.
- The Vicious Circle (the example of Fire).
- Rails (tracks).
Class 4
Duration: 15 minutes
- Hamer’s Foci.
- Alarm DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome).
- Triggering DHS.
- Triggering Rails.
Class 5
Duration: 33 minutes
- DHS arises in the pericardium and pulls the stellate ganglia of the subclavian artery.
- The four Embryonic Layers.
- Organs created by the embryonic layers.
- Biological needs and keywords.
- Functioning during the Active Phase and PCL.
- Fungi, Bacteria, Mycobacteria, and Viruses.
- Tumors during FA and PCL. Fever (Different temperatures).
- TCR Syndrome.
History Class
Duration: 38 minutes
- History of Ryke Geerd Hamer and German New Medicine.
Class 6
Duration: 15 minutes
- The immune system.
Class 7
Duration: 15 minutes
- Redefining the concept of disease.
- Pandemics and Epidemics.
- The Metastasis Fraud.
- How to Resolve a DHS – Is sharing enough?
- Clarification of normal and emergency Biological Program, the difference between flu and lung cancer.
Class 8
Duration: 42 minutes
- Biological Laterality. What is it for?
- How to approach a consultation from the perspective of laterality.
- Applause and eye tests.
- Introduction to Hamerian Psychiatry, “Brain Constellations” (more than one “triggering” active DHS).
Class 9
Duration: 30 minutes
- Collecting Tubules of the Kidney.
- Dr. Hamer’s advice for eliminating fluids during the TCR (Tuberculous Caseous Resorption) FA.
- Insomnia.
- Recognizing Active and Repair Phases based on the type of insomnia and time.
- Analysis of Brain Tomography without contrast.
- Reading Brain Tomography without contrast.
- Interpretation of Hamer’s Foci.
- Practical Case.
Class 10
Duration: 17 minutes
- How to conduct an anamnesis.
- Interpreting syndromes or the so-called “diseases” according to German New Medicine.
- Explanation of medicinal plants (suggested sympathetic and vagotonic plants and adaptogens) and techniques that support the person without inhibiting the SBS (Special Biological Sensation).
- Changing the attitude towards coherence.
- Coherence chart.

Level 1: Survival
Class A: We Are Human Beings
Duration: 20 minutes
- Introduction to German New Medicine.
- Becoming detectives of biology.
Class B: Getting to Know Our Biology
Duration: 44 minutes
- The endodermal germ layer.
- The process of fertilization.
- Embryonic development.
- Cranial nerves.
- Human body systems.
Class C: Endoderm, Embryonic Origin, and the Parotid Gland
Duration: 32 minutes
- How the embryo develops.
- Conflicts of the brainstem.
- Buccal submucosa.
- Biological program of the parotid gland.
Class D: Salivary Glands, Adrenal Glands, Thalamus, Hypothalamus, and Pituitary Gland
Duration: 22 minutes
- Biological program of the salivary glands.
- Biological program of the parathyroid gland.
- Biological program of the pituitary gland.
- What is the function of the thalamus and hypothalamus?
- The endocrine system and hormones.
- Biological program of the adrenal gland.
Class E: Thyroid Gland
Duration: 17 minutes
- Biological program of the thyroid gland.
- How does the thyroid gland function?
Class F: Pulmonary Alveoli, Emphysema, and Lung Cancer
Duration: 50 minutes
- The respiratory system.
- Biological program of pulmonary alveoli.
- Documentary “My Uncle from America” by Henri Laborit.
Class G: Pharynx, Esophagus, and Stomach
Duration: 14 minutes
- Biological program of the pharynx.
- Biological program of the esophagus.
- Biological program of the stomach.
Class H: Auditory Conflicts
Duration: 31 minutes
- How does the sense of hearing work?
- Parts of the ear.
- Biological program of the middle ear.
- Recommendations for earwax.
Class I: Visual Conflicts (Part 1)
Duration: 28 minutes
- How does the sense of sight work?
- Trailer for the movie “I Origins.”
- Experiments on gazes and the power of the iris.
Class I: Visual Conflicts (Part 2)
Duration: 19 minutes
- Biological program of the iris.
- Biological program of the pupil.
- Paralysis of the eye.
- Lacrimal glands.
- The third cranial nerve.
Class J: The Liver
Duration: 25 minutes
- Biological program of the liver.
- Fatty liver.
- Hepatomegaly.
- Ulcers and esophageal varices.
- Jaundice.
Class K: The Pancreas and Small Intestine
Duration: 28 minutes
- Biological program of the pancreas.
- Biological program of the duodenum.
- Biological program of the jejunum.
- Structure and function of the digestive system.
Class L: The Heart
Duration: 23 minutes
- Cardiac plexus.
- Anatomy of the heart.
- Cardiac conduction system.
- Heart twist.
- Biological program of the atrium.
Class M: The Kidney
Duration: 48 minutes
- Urinary system.
- Biological program of the renal collecting tubules.
- Existence collapse, the fugitive conflict.
- Fluid retention and the syndrome.
- Case studies with Dr. Hamer.
Class N: The Large Intestine
Duration: 32 minutes
- Structure and function of the large intestine.
- Biological program of the ileum.
- Biological program of the cecum and appendix.
- Biological program of the transverse and descending colon.
- Biological program of the sigmoid colon or rectum.
Class Ñ: Bladder Trigone
Duration: 19 minutes
- Urinary system.
- Biological program of the bladder trigone.
Class O: Female and Male Reproductive Systems
Duration: 60 minutes
- Male and female reproductive systems.
- Fertilization process.
- Biological program of Bartholin’s glands.
- Biological program of the glandular prepuce.
- Women’s menstrual cycle.
- Biological program of uterine mucosa.
- Biological program of the fallopian tubes.
Class P: Smooth Musculature and Mesencephalon-Controlled Organs
Duration: 30 minutes
- Biological program of smooth intestinal musculature.
- Biological program of smooth uterine musculature.
- Biological program of heart musculature.
- Biological program of blood vessels.
Class Q: Fibroids, Prostate Cancer, and Teratomas (Tumors with Hair, Teeth, and Bones)
Duration: 13 minutes
- Biological program of the prostate gland.
- Biological program of the myometrium.
- Explanation of teratomas.
Class R: Smooth Musculature of Blood Vessels (Veins and Arteries)
Duration: 28 minutes
- Biological programs of smooth musculatures.
- Biological program of blood vessels.
- Dr. Hamer’s marvelous discoveries.
- Final conclusions.

Level 2: Protection
Class 1: Introduction to Cerebellar SBSs (Special Biological Sensations)
Duration: 19 minutes
- Embryological concepts.
- Germinal layers.
- Biological program of the cerebellum.
Class 2: The Dermis Chorion and Its Biological Significance
Duration: 16 minutes
- The sense of touch.
- Parts of the skin.
- Biological program of the chorion.
Class 3: Delving into the Chorion, Sebaceous, and Sweat Glands
Duration: 11 minutes
- Biological program of the chorion.
- Biological program of sweat glands.
- Biological program of sebaceous glands.
Class 4: Mammary Glands and Their Biological Significance
Duration: 23 minutes
- Anatomy of the breast.
- Importance of breastfeeding.
- Biological program of mammary glands.
Class 5: The Protective Shield of the Heart, the Pericardium
Duration: 13 minutes
- Anatomical function of the pericardium.
- Biological program of the pericardium.
- Explanation of pericardial effusions.
Class 6: The Protective Shield of the Lungs, the Pleura
Duration: 14 minutes
- Anatomical function of the pleura.
- Biological program of the pleura.
Class 7: The Remaining Protective Shields: Peritoneum and Greater Omentum
Duration: 17 minutes
- Anatomical function of the peritoneum.
- Biological program of the peritoneum.
- Anatomical function of the greater omentum.
- Biological program of the greater omentum.

Level 3: Movement
Class 1: Introduction to Cerebral Medulla SBSs (Special Biological Sensations)
Duration: 16 minutes
- The embryonic disc.
- Tissues and organs of the cerebral medulla.
- List of intermediate and advanced-level organs.
- Biological programs of the cerebral medulla.
Class 2: SBSs of Cartilage, Tendons, and Striated Muscles
Duration: 17 minutes
- Biological program of cartilage.
- Biological program of tendons.
- Biological program of striated muscles.
Class 3: The Skeleton and SBSs of Bones
Duration: 24 minutes
- Anatomical function of the skeleton.
- Biological program of bones.
Class 4: New Mesoderm
Duration: 17 minutes
- Leukemia law.
- Explained repair phase.
- Blood values.
Class 5: True Anemia
Duration: 26 minutes
- Real anemia and pseudo-anemia.
- The blasts.
- The five phases of leukemia.
- Bone marrow transplants.
Class 6: Lymph Nodes and Lymphomas
Duration: 12 minutes
- Anatomy of lymph nodes.
- Their main functions.
- Biological program of lymph nodes.
Class 7: Lymphatic Vessels and Their SBS
Duration: 9 minutes
- Anatomy of lymphatic vessels.
- Biological program of lymphatic vessels.
Class 8: Follicular Part of the Ovaries and Its SBS
Duration: 13 minutes
- Anatomy of the ovaries.
- Women’s menstrual cycle.
- Biological program of the ovaries.
Class 9: Follicular Part of the Ovaries and Its SBS (II)
Duration: 22 minutes
- Biological program of the ovaries.
- Development of ovarian cysts.
- Explained endometriosis.
Class 10: Testicular Stroma and Its SBS
Duration: 14 minutes
- Interstitial part of the testicles.
- Anatomy of the testicles.
- Biological program of the testicles.
Class 11: Renal Parenchyma and High Blood Pressure
Duration: 25 minutes
- Function of renal parenchyma.
- How does the kidney work?
- Biological program of renal parenchyma.

Level 4: Territory
Class 1: Introduction to Cerebral Cortex SBSs (Special Biological Sensations)
Duration: 15 minutes
- Embryonic development. Interaction with the external world, relationships, and territory.
- Ectodermal migrations.
- Ectodermal brain relays.
Class 2: Delving into the “Cerebral Cortex”
Duration: 7 minutes
- Biological laterality and hormonal state.
- Ectodermal biological program.
Class 3: The Two Models of SBSs in the Cerebral Cortex: the “Epidermal Model” and the “Throat Model”
Duration: 14 minutes
- Cerebral cortices (pre-motor, motor, sensory, post-sensory, and visual).
- List of ectodermal organs and tissues.
- Organs following the epidermal model.
- Organs following the throat model.
- SBSs according to the epidermal model.
- SBSs according to the throat model.
Class 4: The Sensor of Our Body: Skin and Its SBS (I)
Duration: 11 minutes
- The cerebral cortex.
- The homunculus.
- The somatic cortex.
Class 5: The SBS of “Skin” (II)
Duration: 17 minutes
- Epidermal model of the skin.
- Sensory receptors.
- Transverse crossing.
- Biological program of the skin.
- Impact areas of conflicts.
Class 6: The SBS of “Skin” (III)
Duration: 29 minutes
- Rash, erythema, hives, eczema.
- Herpes.
- Smallpox and measles.
- Psoriasis.
- Warts.
- Carcinomas.
- Allergies from the perspective of GNM
Class 7: “Hair” and Its SBS
Duration: 15 minutes
- Anatomy of the hair follicle.
- Biological program of hair.
Class 8: “Galactophoric Ducts” (I)
Duration: 31 minutes
- Anatomy of the galactophoric ducts.
- Biological significance of the breast.
- Biological program of galactophoric ducts.
Class 9: “Galactophoric Ducts” (II)
Duration: 23 minutes
- Explanation of possible metastases.
- Biological separation and attack programs.
Class 10: “Vaginal Mucosa” and Its SBS
Duration: 18 minutes
- Anatomy of the mucosa.
- Vaginal musculature.
- Biological program of vaginal mucosa.
Class 11: “Periosteum” and Its SBS
Duration: 14 minutes
- Anatomy of the periosteum.
- Sensory nerves.
- Biological program of the periosteum.
Class 12: “Periosteum” and Its SBS (II)
Duration: 21 minutes
- Explanation of the conflict.
- Biological program of the periosteum.
- Mixed innervation due to bone repair.
Class 13: “Trigeminal Nerve” and Its SBS
Duration: 11 minutes
- Branches of the trigeminal nerve.
- Biological program of the trigeminal nerve
Class 14: “Trigeminal Nerve” and Its SBS (II)
Duration: 7 minutes
- Case studies.
- Real and symbolic conflicts.
Class 15: “Motor Skills” and the Origin of “Epilepsy” (I)
Duration: 12 minutes
- Anatomy of motor skills and epilepsy.
- Fibers and muscle movements.
Class 16: “Motor Skills” and the Origin of “Epilepsy” (II)
Duration: 10 minutes
- Biological program of motor skills and epilepsy.
- Typical SBSs of motor skills and epilepsy.
- Possible vicious circles.
Class 17: The Origin of “Parkinson’s Disease”
Duration: 21 minutes
- Typical symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
- Biological conflicts and themes.
- Biological program of Parkinson’s disease.
Class 18: “Facial Paralysis” and Its True Origin
Duration: 10 minutes
- Symptoms of facial paralysis.
- Slap or humiliation conflict.
- Biological program of facial paralysis.
Class 19: The Origin of “Multiple Sclerosis”
Duration: 10 minutes
- Definition of multiple sclerosis.
- Iatrogenic DHS due to diagnosis.
- Involved cerebral cortices.
Class 20: “Multiple Sclerosis” (II)
Duration: 14 minutes
- Symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
- Involved brain relays.
- Explanation of diagnoses.
- Pending active conflict phase.
Class 21: “Multiple Sclerosis” (III)
Duration: 13 minutes
- Case studies on multiple sclerosis.
Class 22: “Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis” and Its Origin
Duration: 21 minutes
- What is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)?
- Practical examples of ALS.
- Biological program and conflict theme.
- Pending active conflict phase.

Level 5: Medicinal Plants in German New Medicine
GNM: Phytotherapy 1
Duration: 32 minutes
- History of the use of medicinal plants.
- Therapeutic focus on active principles.
GNM: Phytotherapy 2
Duration: 15 minutes
- Active principles of plants.
- Use in the active phase.
- Use in the repair phase.
- General recommendations.
GNM: Phytotherapy 3
Duration: 15 minutes
- Use of medicinal plants.
- Homeopathic principles.
- Basic principles of plants.
GNM: Phytotherapy 4
Duration: 14 minutes
- Procedures and cleansings.
- Natural and harmonious nutrition.
GNM: Phytotherapy 5
Duration: 12 minutes
- Colon hydrotherapy.
- Natural remedies.
- Active principles of plants.
GNM: Phytotherapy 6
Duration: 31 minutes
- Anticipation disorders.
- Plant recommendations.
GNM: Phytotherapy 7
Duration: 12 minutes
- List of home remedies.
- Use of mother tinctures.
GNM: Phytotherapy 8
Duration: 23 minutes
- Integration with biological programs.
- Sympathicotonic and vagotonic properties.

Level 6: How to Conduct a German New Medicine Consultation
Class 0: Surprising and Interesting Cases in GNM Consultation, as a Guide
Duration: 33 minutes
- Case studies and their explanations.
- General recommendations.
Class 1: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 21 minutes
- Consultation manual.
- Recommendations and information.
- Identifying symptoms.
- Explanation of Hamer’s Compass.
- Interpreting conflicts.
Class 2: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 24 minutes
- Recommendations for the active phase.
- Recommendations for the repair phase.
- Biological laterality.
- Developing strategies.
- Coherence chart.
Class 3: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 32 minutes
- Hamer’s Foci.
- Case studies.
- Discovering DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome).
Class 4: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 23 minutes
- Conveying the paradigm without conflicts.
- Case studies and examples.
- Development of German Medicine.
Class 5: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 26 minutes
- History of GNM.
- Anamnesis: Since when?
- Development of diseases.
- Biological programs with natural meaning.
Class 6: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 21 minutes
- Biological conflicts and their definition.
- Territorial conflict case studies.
- Disease behaviors.
Class 7: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 29 minutes
- Pregnancy.
- Conflicts in animals.
- Case studies and examples.
Class 8: How to Conduct a GNM Consultation?
Duration: 26 minutes
- GNM form.
- Symptoms in the repair phase.
- Case studies and examples.
- Biological laterality.
- Anamnesis.
Class 9: Suggestions for Introducing a GNM Consultation
Duration: 22 minutes
- Informational video: Identifying conflicts.
- Explaining biological programs.
- Chronological order and importance.
- Explanation of Hamer’s Compass.
- Retention of fluids.
- Example of format.

Level 7: Territory II
Class 1: “Hormonal State and Territorial Conflicts”
Duration: 29 minutes
- Ectodermal tissues and organs.
- Women’s menstrual cycle.
- Female sensitivity to estrogen.
- Male sensitivity to testosterone.
- States of hormonal balance or imbalance.
- Notion of territory.
Class 2: “Bronchial Musculature”
Duration: 8 minutes
- Bronchioles and bronchi.
- Biological program of bronchial musculature.
Class 3: “Bronchial Mucosa”
Duration: 12 minutes
- Somatic sensory cortex.
- Biological program of bronchial mucosa.
Class 4: “Hamerian Cardiology”
Duration: 37 minutes
- Biological program of coronary arteries.
- Complex perinsular center of heart rhythm.
- Practical case study.
Class 5: “Seminal Vesicles”
Duration: 8 minutes
- Vertical cross-section.
- Biological program of seminal vesicles.
Class 6: “Lesser Curvature of the Stomach, Duodenal Bulb, Gallbladder, Hepatic and Pancreatic Ducts”
Duration: 19 minutes
- Biological program of lesser curvature of the stomach.
- Biological program of duodenal bulb.
- Biological program of gallbladder.
- Biological program of hepatic and pancreatic ducts.
Class 7: “Pancreatic Ducts and Left Renal Pelvis”
Duration: 16 minutes
- Biological program of pancreatic ducts.
- Biological program of left renal pelvis.
Class 8: “Bladder Mucosa, Left Ureter, and Urethra”
Duration: 15 minutes
- Biological program of bladder mucosa.
- Biological program of ureter mucosa.
- Biological program of urethra mucosa.
Class 9: “Territorial Startles”
Duration: 25 minutes
- Biological program of laryngeal musculature.
- Biological program of laryngeal mucosa.
- Biological program of coronary veins.
Class 10: “The Relay of Female Identity and Ovulation”
Duration: 10 minutes
- Biological program of ureter neck.
- Biological program of lower rectum mucosa.
Class 11: “The Urinary and Left Territorial Marking Relay”
Duration: 10 minutes
- Biological program of bladder mucosa.
- Biological program of ureter mucosa.
- Biological program of urethra mucosa.
Class 12: “The Brain Relay for Telepathy”
Duration: 12 minutes
- Telepathic window of the soul.
- Biological program of branchial arches.
- Biological program of archaic thyroid ducts.

Level 8: Practical Clarifications and Techniques
Class 1: Active TCRs and Types of Anemia
Duration: 25 minutes
- Recognizing “Active TCRs,” typical symptoms, and signals.
- Different types of “Anemia.”
Class 2: Thrombosis, Varicose Veins, and Cellulite
Duration: 16 minutes
- Varicose veins and suggestions for treatment.
- Thrombosis, veins, and varicocele.
- Cellulite.
Class 3: Constipation, Diarrhea, and Burping
Duration: 9 minutes
- Constipation.
- Diarrhea.
- Burping.
Class 4: COPD, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, and Lethal Combinations of DHS
Duration: 10 minutes
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), bronchitis, and pneumonia.
- Lethal combinations of DHS.
- Brain surgeries.
Class 5: Preeclampsia, Toxoplasmosis, Bilirubin, Cigarettes, and Marijuana
Duration: 15 minutes
- Preeclampsia.
- Toxoplasmosis.
- High levels of bilirubin.
- The myth of cigarettes.
- Marijuana.
- Recommendations in case of intoxication.
Class 6: Hemorrhoids, Premature Ejaculation, and Nosebleeds
Duration: 8 minutes
- Internal and external hemorrhoids.
- Recommendations for hemorrhoids.
- Premature ejaculation.
- Nosebleeds.
Class 7: The Eyes, Strabismus, Myopia, Astigmatism, Presbyopia, Macular Hole
Duration: 16 minutes
- The eyes.
- Divergent and convergent strabismus.
- Myopia, presbyopia, and astigmatism.
- Macular hole.
- Cataracts.
- Exercises to improve vision.
Class 8: Homosexuality, Syphilis, and Sepsis
Duration: 21 minutes
- Homosexuality explained according to the New German Medicine.
- Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis and sepsis).
Class 9: Adrenal Glands, Chronic Fatigue, Adaptogens, Cushing’s and Addison’s Syndrome, and the Planetary Constellation
Duration: 14 minutes
- Chronic fatigue.
- Adrenal glands.
- Adaptogenic substances.
- Addison’s or Cushing’s syndrome.
- Planetary constellation.
Class 10: Adrenal Glands, Tumor Growing in the Active Phase in the Brain, Gigantism, and Pituitary Adenoma
Duration: 10 minutes
- Adrenal glands.
- The exception of SBS.
- The only tumor that grows in the active phase in the brain.
- Gigantism.
- Glioblastomas and astrocytomas.
- Addison’s or Cushing’s syndrome.
- Pituitary adenoma.

Level 9: Practical Clarifications and Techniques II
Class 1: Fibromyalgia
Duration: 14 minutes
- Fibromyalgia, the “tortoise syndrome.”
- DHS of devaluation and adrenal DHS.
Class 2: Clarifications of the Devaluation DHS
Duration: 13 minutes
- Clarifications about the devaluation DHS.
- Organs and tissues created by the New Mesoderm.
Class 3: Thrombosis, Vertebrae
Duration: 13 minutes
- Thrombosis.
- Clarifications of devaluations.
- Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae.
Class 4: Clavicles, Pelvis, Periosteum, Herniated Discs
Duration: 10 minutes
- Clavicles.
- Pelvis.
- Periosteum.
- Herniated discs.
Class 5: Sciatica, Hiatal Hernia, Diaphragm, Sleep Apnea, Inguinal Hernia, Plantar Fasciitis
Duration: 12 minutes
- Sciatica.
- Acetabulum.
- Hiatal hernia.
- Diaphragm.
- Sleep apnea.
- Inguinal and umbilical hernias.
- Plantar fasciitis.
Class 6: Epilepsy, Tetanus, Rabies, “Bio-Aggressive” Constellation, Cerebellum Constellation, “Narcissistic” Constellation
Duration: 16 minutes
- Epilepsy.
- Tetanus.
- Rabies.
- Bio-aggressive constellation.
- Cerebellum constellation.
- Narcissistic constellation.
Class 7: Scabies, Dandruff, Psoriasis, Parasites
Duration: 12 minutes
- Scabies.
- Dandruff.
- Psoriasis.
- Parasites.
Class 8: Mouth, Teeth, Cavities, Tooth Enamel, Bruxism
Duration: 11 minutes
- The mouth.
- Teeth.
- Cavities.
- Tooth enamel.
Class 9: Laryngitis, Pharyngitis, Bronchitis, Otitis, Cough
Duration: 9 minutes
- Laryngitis.
- Pharyngitis.
- Bronchitis.
- Otitis.
- Whooping cough.
Class 10: Mythomania Constellation, Anxiety, Paranoia, Mumps
Duration: 10 minutes
- Mythomania constellation.
- Anxiety.
- Paranoia.
- Mumps.
Class 11: The Heart, Coronary Arteries, Bradycardia, Angina Pectoris, Arrhythmia, Stent, Angioplasty, Anticoagulants
Duration: 20 minutes
- The heart.
- Coronary arteries.
- Ventricular bradycardia.
- Angina pectoris.
- Ventricular arrhythmia.
- Stent and angioplasty.
- Anticoagulants.

Level 10: Hamerian Psychiatry and Brain Constellations
Class 1: Foundations of Hamerian Psychiatry
Duration: 18 minutes
- Biological laterality
- Conflicts in balance
- Impact order according to laterality
Class 2: The Rule of Weight
Duration: 8 minutes
- Hormonal state
- Impact according to biological laterality
- Conflicts on the male side
- Conflicts on the female side
- Right and left temporal lobes
Class 3: Frontal Constellations, Telepathy
Duration: 13 minutes
- Biological constellation frontal program
- Examples and case studies of premonitory dreams
Class 4: Occipital Constellation, Paranoia
Duration: 12 minutes
- Explanation of double vision
- Biological constellation occipital program
- Examples and case studies
- Vitreous bodies
Class 5: Fronto-Occipital Constellation and Suicidal or Post-Mortal Constellation
Duration: 15 minutes
- Biological constellation fronto-occipital program
- Impact order according to biological laterality
- Biological constellation nymphomaniac program
- Biological constellation casanova program
Class 6: Nympho and Casanova Constellations
Duration: 12 minutes
- Development of the nymphomaniac constellation in women
- Development of the casanova constellation in men
- Depressive and manic states
Class 7: Flying or Flying Constellation, Astral Travel
Duration: 6 minutes
- Biological constellation flying program
- Examples and case studies
Class 8: Autistic Constellation
Duration: 6 minutes
- Biological constellation autistic program
- Asperger’s syndrome
- Practical case study
Class 9: Aggressive Constellation and Myth Constellation
Duration: 7 minutes
- Biological constellation bio-aggressive program
- Biological constellation myth program
- Examples and case studies
Class 10: Bulimia, Anorexia, and Hormonal Imbalance Constellation
Duration: 7 minutes
- Biological constellation bulimic program
- Explanation of hormonal imbalance
- Biological constellation anorexia program
- Examples and case studies
Class 11: Brainstem Constellation, Alzheimer’s, and Senile Dementia
Duration: 5 minutes
- Biological constellation disorientation program
- Explanation of the renal collecting tubules
Class 12: Cerebellum Constellation, the Reptile, and the Psychopath
Duration: 2 minutes
- Biological constellation reptilian program
- Practical examples
Class 13: Medulla Cerebral Constellation, Megalomania, and Narcissism
Duration: 2 minutes
- Biological constellation megalomaniac program
- Practical examples
Class 14: Auditory Constellation, Schizophrenia, Vertigo, and Dizziness
Duration: 19 minutes
- Explanation of DHS and auditory centers
- Biological constellation auditory program
- Explanation of auditory paranoia
- Paranoia with or without schizophrenia
- Practical examples and case studies

Thanks for reading this article.
Gaston Vargas.