Diabetes, the truth

Dear reader, in this case, to discuss diabetes, a highly complex topic, we will attempt to summarize and simplify it for your understanding, as it involves very advanced GNM concepts.
Before we begin discussing diagnoses and biological programs, in this instance, we will narrate brief stories to help you understand how and why diabetes can be triggered, what can happen, and how all these dramatic events can lead to possible diabetes diagnoses. As always, we will chronologically organize them to eliminate any doubts.
Before delving into these short stories, we will provide you with two clues.
First, there are two types of DHS (Biological Conflicts) that can trigger a false diabetes.
On one hand, there’s a DHS of Disgust and Repulsion within the territory with sexual connotations. On the other hand, there’s a DHS of Resistance and Opposition within the territory. We will later delve into biological laterality to identify who experiences these conflicts in a state of normal hormonal activity.
Example Story
A right-handed woman had the following experience as a child: When she was 16, she learned that her father had been unfaithful to her mother with their neighbor, who happened to be a close friend of her mother. Three years later, her father invited their family on a trip and also invited the neighbor and her current partner, the woman he had an affair with. This situation was met with disgust, repulsion, and was highly dramatic and unexpected for the young girl.
The girl suffered more from the disgust and repulsion she felt about the situation, which was completely dramatic and unexpected, as she never imagined her father could betray her mother this way. The infidelity was much more dramatic for the girl than for her mother, as she expected her mother to react, but she did not and forgave him quickly.
She experienced the situation with great disgust, fear, and repulsion because she couldn’t believe how quickly her mother had forgiven him.
Upon returning from the family trip with the neighbor and her partner, the girl developed a condition of hyperglycemia, which led to a diagnosis of Type I diabetes, something we know in GNM is simply a repair phase for a right-handed woman in a normal hormonal state. The medical protocol recommends synthetic insulin. The major issue here is that after a few months of insulin use, it can never be discontinued due to the atrophy of the pancreas caused by numerous relapses due to the constant insulin supply. Stopping it would result in hepatic coma.

Anyone familiar with GNM doesn’t need to be a mind reader to realize that the situation described in the story induced a strong sense of disgust due to what her father had made her go through. This, in turn, triggered a hyperglycemic episode during the repair phase, upon returning from the trip and resolving the disgust she felt about sharing the vacation with the woman who had disrupted her life. As the second biological conflict of disgust, the trip initiated a biological program in the pancreas. The initial programming conflict, in this case, was her father’s infidelity, which left her in a hypnotic state without affecting the organ.
Let’s delve a bit into theory.
Type I Diabetes (repair phase) doesn’t require insulin because it’s not the same as Type II, with high peaks in blood sugar levels caused by an active phase. In Type I, we can diagnose a false diabetes. We also know that Type I diabetes is always a repair phase because during the anamnesis, we find the following symptoms: excessive sleep, increased hunger, extreme thirst, fatigue, low blood pressure, swelling, and a gradual weight recovery. Additionally, there’s a psychological relief because the dramatic situation has ceased. All of these symptoms clearly indicate a repair phase according to Hamer’s compass, which any GNM student would recognize, but unfortunately, traditional medicine considers them symptoms of an established disease.
The high blood glucose levels, or hyperglycemia, in this case, are indicators of a repair phase resulting from a DHS of disgust or repulsion within her territory. Additionally, we know this because the woman is right-handed.
It’s important to note that being a right-handed or left-handed man or woman makes a difference, as everything depends on biological laterality to understand how the DHS impacted, where the Hamer Focis will appear, which program it activated, and which relay in the cerebral cortex it affected.
DHS for the right-handed woman and the left-handed man in normal hormonal status
In a right-handed woman or a left-handed man in normal hormonal status, their first triggering conflict will impact the relay of glucagon in the alpha cells of Langerhans. For a right-handed woman, this would be the conflict of disgust or repulsion in a territory with sexual connotation on the left side of the cerebral cortex. For a left-handed man in normal hormonal status, it would be the conflict of resistance and opposition.

DHS for the left-handed woman and the right-handed man in normal hormonal status
For a left-handed woman or a right-handed man in normal hormonal status, their first triggering conflict will impact the relay of insulin in the beta cells of Langerhans. For a left-handed woman, this would be the conflict of disgust or repulsion in a territory with sexual connotation on the right side of the cerebral cortex. For a right-handed man in normal hormonal status, it would be the conflict of resistance and opposition. In this case, if the conflict lasts for a long time in the active or balanced phase, synthetic insulin might be necessary for a short period to avoid entering a diabetic coma or atrophying the pancreas.

The traditional medicine has a great lack of knowledge on this topic and gives insulin to people who actually do not need it, condemning them for life and ruining their existence by atrophying the pancreas. Traditional medicine, without knowing the biological laws, could never understand if hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia are an active phase or a repair phase, relapses of the same conflict, or sugar constellation.
Let’s illustrate the complexity of this matter with an example:

Imagine a left-handed woman experiencing her first DHS, triggering hyperglycemia due to feelings of disgust or repulsion (related to a feminine conflict). If she then experiences hormonal imbalances, she will now have two active conflicts and two impacts (fear with disgust and fear with resistance) because the hormonal change doesn’t resolve the initial shock.
As if that weren’t enough, conventional medicine makes a mess of things. Due to the misdiagnosis of type I diabetes, an iatrogenic DHS occurs as a result of the initial diagnosis. This iatrogenic DHS will be entirely independent, depending on how each individual experiences it. Typically, they experience a significant self-devaluation conflict because they can’t escape this supposed incurable disease, which affects the muscles, bones, and tendons of their legs due to their inability to escape this dramatic situation.
This state of inconsistency leads to multiple relapses of a self-devaluation DHS and, consequently, demineralization of the leg muscles and bones due to their inability to move and escape. This results in multiple relapses and healing phases, accompanied by intense pain and injuries to the relay in the brainstem for both the right and left legs.
Additionally, if the individual experiences a conflict of existence collapse on top of everything else, which typically occurs with these diagnoses and affects the TCRs (collecting tubules of the kidneys), the situation becomes even more complicated. This can result in very uncomfortable muscle pains due to significant inflammation caused by fluid retention.
As if that weren’t enough, the renal parenchyma, after many relapses due to the conflict related to fluids and the injection of insulin, begins to atrophy. Blood pressure rises, and the levels of urea and creatinine in the blood increase. This process also activates the TCRs, further complicating the situation and ultimately leading to kidney damage. In the realm of conventional medicine, this condition is known as “diabetic nephropathy,” as they attribute it to kidney disease caused by diabetes. They claim that diabetes is the primary cause of kidney diseases.
To make matters worse, diabetic nephropathy often requires “dialysis.” However, we know that dialysis is a one-way path, similar to insulin. It affects the renal parenchyma due to the conflict related to fluids, draining blood excessively during the dialysis process, and ultimately causing renal atrophy, which destroys the kidney. Conventional medicine remains largely clueless about why this happens.
Debunking Myths of Outdated Medicine
According to classical medicine, type I diabetes is primarily a childhood disease, while type II diabetes is mostly an adult condition with exceptions. Additionally, they claim that type II diabetes leads to obesity, and type I diabetes is often diagnosed with weight loss.
Let’s shed some light on the matter.
In GNM, we know for certain that type I diabetes has nothing to do with age. A right-handed woman or a left-handed man could experience a DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) of disgust for the right-handed woman or resistance for the left-handed man within their territory at any stage of their lives. This can lead to temporary solutions to the conflict and trigger a healing phase or hyperglycemia in PCL-A.

What conventional medicine doesn’t understand is that during the active phase of DHS, there is weight loss, insomnia, and fatigue in any biological program. They only recognize the healing phase when the left-handed or right-handed “patient” goes to the doctor, as pain, inflammation, extreme fatigue, and excessive thirst become evident. Since the active phase usually lasts all day, because conflicts tend to resolve at night when we sleep, the person loses weight throughout most of the day. This is why type I diabetes is associated with low weight. This occurs because during a sustained active phase, there is weight loss and a significant eating disorder. When the conflict suddenly begins to resolve, the patient thinks, “Not only did I lose weight, but now I’m very tired, and some part of my body is swollen.” That’s when they go for a medical check-up and fall into the trap.
Let’s continue to dispel myths. Undoubtedly, a left-handed woman experiencing her first conflict of disgust or repulsion and a right-handed man experiencing a conflict of resistance within their territory in a normal hormonal state, where they oppose and resist an unexpected situation, need to increase their strength and size to discourage the next attack from whoever they oppose or resist. This is where obesity comes into play, with the accumulation of lipids and an increase in size as a biological strategy to grow and use a larger body to deter an attacker. Therefore, it’s not type II diabetes that causes obesity, but rather the conflict of attack in which one needs to defend oneself and discourage a future attack. If obesity occurs after the diagnosis, we can interpret the aggressor as the disease or diabetes. In general, in traditional medicine, obesity is attributed to the patient “eating poorly,” once again highlighting the narcissistic and religious interpretations of classical medicine.
They also tend to experience swelling in their ankles and legs, a very characteristic sign of “diabetics” in traditional medicine. However, in GNM, we know that this is due to fluid retention caused by the existence-collapse conflict affecting the collecting tubules of the kidney.
Typically, fluid retention and leg swelling worsen after a medical diagnosis of diabetes or a confirmation of “malignant” blood sugar levels. This despair is driven by the fear of having a part of their body amputated, something that is considered “normal” and accepted among “diabetics.”
Let’s clarify the issue of the “diabetic foot,” amputations, or what we refer to as medieval torture.

According to classical medicine, diabetic foot is attributed to the loss of sensitivity in the body, known as diabetic neuropathy, and it affects circulation due to increased sugar levels (peripheral diabetic arteriopathy).
Amputation becomes necessary when ulceration is so extensive that the individual, due to the lack of sensation, injures themselves without realizing it, and the wound doesn’t heal. In such cases, it is often perceived as if the foot is rotting, similar to gangrene.
Here’s another aspect of traditional medicine that requires clarification based on true science, using German New Medicine (GNM).
Diabetic foot is a result of a sustained active phase of a self-devaluation DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome) due to a lack of stability. This conflict leads to necrosis, demineralization, and malnutrition of the muscles, bones, and tendons of the foot during the active phase. In the repair phase, there is inflammation, swelling, and pain. Since the person fails to definitively resolve the DHS, the symptoms worsen with each relapse.
Regarding the loss of sensitivity, it is related to separation conflicts in the active phase. This program affects the sensory nerves of the epidermis. It is essential to analyze all traumatic events, meaning all desired or undesired separations that have not been resolved, as well as the tracks that condition their life on a still unconscious level. A clear example of a separation conflict could be when a diabetic patient is informed or suspects that they might have to amputate a finger, just like everyone else. This generates a separation conflict related to the contact with the scalpel, as they don’t want the amputation to happen. It could also be linked to the separation of the doctor’s hand during their mandatory annual check-ups.
Hardening of the skin in diabetics
During insulin treatment, patients are advised to rotate the injection sites to avoid “hardening,” and the same applies to the glucose meter, which is a device used to measure glucose levels by pricking the finger and placing the blood on a reactive strip. Patients are also advised to rotate their fingers; each finger is used for a day of pricking in the same spot.
Hardening can also occur in the abdomen, particularly in the areas where insulin injections are administered. This advice is often provided by doctors. Injections are typically given in areas of the body with fatty tissue.

In GNM, we understand perfectly why these hardenings occur, and it’s due to the needle’s assault on the integrity of the dermis’s chorion. During the active phase, it creates a protective shield to prevent further injury or harm from that needle. This is why they rotate the injection sites, as the shield is so effective that it won’t allow further harm in the same spot.
Something that classical medicine could never understand because it doesn’t know how the germ layers of the brain function, let alone Hamer’s compass.
Without a doubt, medicine isn’t about health but a perverse business where everything but science prevails.
The constellation of the sugar center
The schizophrenic constellation is due to two conflict shocks in the two sugar centers in the cerebral cortex: the glucagon center in the left hemisphere (hypoglycemia) and the insulin center in the right hemisphere (hyperglycemia/diabetes).
- The schizophrenic constellation generates “mania” in right-handed women and left-handed men when the conflict is more pronounced on the left side of the brain and “depression” when the conflict is more pronounced on the right side.
- The schizophrenic constellation generates “depression” in left-handed women and right-handed men when the conflict is more pronounced on the right side and “mania” when the conflict is more pronounced on the left side.
Theory about the schizophrenic constellation
The details provided below are valid for all constellations of the temporal lobes.
The first conflict that impacts the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex always affects the natural rhythm of the brain in this hemisphere, creating a vibratory imbalance, and it closes it off from all subsequent activity.
Since this hemisphere of the brain remains temporarily blocked or closed, the second biological conflict will automatically impact the opposite hemisphere, plunging the person into the famous schizophrenic constellation.
Regarding constellations of territorial conflicts, the principle of balance, which has seven rules, as seen in advanced levels of GNM, is an essential diagnostic criterion to understand what is happening with the individual.
The predominance of manic or depressive behavior is determined by which side of the brain contains a greater conflict mass or which of both conflicts is more pronounced.

The manic-depressive condition can manifest as constant shifts between depression and mania or be permanently accentuated on one side. Manic-depressive individuals alternate between mania and depression due to sensory tracks or sensory memories. Regardless of the shift between mania and depression, whether someone is left-handed or right-handed, they always experience their conflicts with resistance or opposition (in men) and disgust or repulsion (in women).
We clarify this to understand why mania and depression occur during diabetes or other illnesses and their feminine or masculine ways of reacting.
When the conflict on the right side is accentuated, the person is in a depressive state; when the conflict on the left side is accentuated, the person is in a manic state.
The only way to exit a constellation is to consciously or unconsciously resolve one of the two biological conflicts, generally by making a concrete change in our lives, such as changing location, partner, job, etc.
As always, the goal is to achieve maximum biological coherence, based on the following formula:
100% coherence = 100% health and 100% happiness.
Frequent headaches or migraines can also occur, intensifying due to the number of relapses in conflicts of disgust or resistance within their territory, leading to multiple DHS (conflicts) related to not being able to digest the situation, eliminate it, or escape from it. These can easily be interpreted and identified using GNM.
Headaches are the result of edemas in the brain’s repair phase, which become larger due to the numerous relapses in different DHS (conflicts), causing damage to multiple brain relays over time.
We cannot conclude this extensive discussion on diabetes without addressing diabetic retinopathy, which also encompasses glaucoma.
In GNM, we are certain that the conflict affecting the retina is the fear in the nape of the neck. It represents constant worry about being scolded or sentenced again. During the active phase, it results in an ulcer, and during the healing phase, the ulcer or cataract appears. The dual fear in the nape of the neck or schizophrenic constellation is referred to as “paranoia.” Here, we must also mention glaucoma or elevated eye pressure. The diagnosis of glaucoma indicates a healing phase, although it can be in balance (pending healing) with tracks. Bilateral open-angle glaucoma would be part of the schizophrenic constellation.
The difference with closed-angle glaucoma is that the DHS occurred in an environment that was either too dark or too bright.
If the glaucoma is avascular, it indicates a PCL-A phase of a DHS related to fear in the nape of the neck, implicating individuals with intraocular pressure. In the active phase, it may involve a green cataract.
The diagnosis of glaucoma indicates a healing phase, although it can often be in balance or involve relapses of the constellation or pending healing with tracks and TCR (tubules colectores del riñón) syndrome. After a detailed anamnesis, an individualized therapeutic protocol can be established. With active TCRs and high levels of proteinuria in urine, it suggests an active DHS of the collapse of existence, which poses a risk to vision and increases the chances of blindness due to retinal detachment.
The active biological conflict of “fear in the nape of the neck” pertains to apprehension about future events. In the retina, it is linked to fears in the nape of the neck that involve future events, and in the vitreous body, it relates to fears in the nape of the neck concerning people (a living being, person, or animal perceived as a threat, which could be a rude or malicious person).
The detachment of the vitreous body occurs when the gel-like substance in the eye moves away from the retina, the back part of the eye, resulting in the sudden appearance of floaters or spots in the vitreous humor over the retina. It is caused by the contraction of the vitreous body between the lens and the retina. Vitreous body detachment can lead to retinal detachment. The diagnosis of glaucoma appears during the healing phase. In these cases, it is crucial to identify the DHS and its tracks and subsequently resolve them to prevent complete vision loss. This condition is very progressive without complete resolution of the DHS. It represents a pending healing phase with tracks and relapses that should be avoided at all costs if one wishes to maintain their vision. If TCRs are active, the detachment of the vitreous body increases the risk due to significant edema and fluid retention, which worsen all situations.
With this article, we can certainly understand and confirm how, as a result of one or multiple DHSs, anyone diagnosed with diabetes can develop various health conditions.
This article was authored by Sonia Suc and Gaston Vargas.
Special thanks to the knowledge generously shared by Loulou Belard and Francois Leduc.